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Christianity is a world wide religion, and not was restricted to any one area. Jesus left His followers with the Great Commission to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. Historically, the church spread to Europe very early in the history of the church due to the ease of travel to these areas. Paul's missionary journeys are one example and reason for this. The doctrines of some of the major denominations do originally come from Europe, but now more commonly are built on by those in a wide range of geographical areas. Most denominations share their basic common beliefs that began in the Middle East.

Catholic people do still have Rome as the center of their faith, but there are many others that do not. Protestantism had its origins from the Catholic church and thus grew strongly in European nations. Many Europeans migrated, taking their faith to their new homes.

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Q: If Christianity started in the Middle East then why are its Doctrine promulgated from Europe mostly from Rome?
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