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Earthworms in the class oligochaeta, which is in the phylum annelida. Ecdysis occurs in the phylum arthropoda. My guess is that earthworms' cuticles undergo a process closer to our skin's than ecdysis.

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Q: If Earthworms have a cuticle why do they not undergo ecdysis?
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What is the difference between molting and ecdysis?

Molting is the process of secreting new cuticle. It ends into ecdysis i.e. separating new and old cuticle and shedding old cuticle. It has 3 phases preparatory, ecdysis and post ecdysis. This process ends by eclosion i.e. final emergence out of old cuticle.[Ref: insects]

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Yes. A nematode is covered by a tough cuticle that is periodically shed through ecdysis.

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What is the function of the ecdysis?

I thik it is the shedding of skin undergo by snakes and other reptiles.

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The process of shedding skin in insects is Ecdysis.

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Tapeworms have skin, intestines and reproductive organs. They are very simple creatures unlike the earthworm. Earthworms have a brain, Aortic arches, a clitellum, segments, intestines, reproductive organs, a crop, gizzard, Dorsal nerve cord, Cuticle (skin) satae, mouth and anus.

Why is ecdysis necessary?

Ecdysis is when an arthropod molts its exoskeleton. Molting is necessary. The arthropod exoskeleton is inflexible, so, for it to grow larger, arthropods must molt.

What is the shedding of skin called?

It is called Ecdysis or Molting.

Does conifer have a cuticle?

yes conifers have a cuticle.

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the cuticle

The outer covering of a worm is called the?

Earthworms are covered by a thin skin called epidermis. The epidermis is covered with a thin, protective cuticle that must be kept moist to permit the passage of oxygen through it.

What is a insect remain called?

Husk - Exuvia - Moult - Ecdysis .