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I'll still be 6'2" when you're an adult.... no clue how tall you'll be. :p/ taller than some that's 2 feet tall

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Q: If I'm 5'7 when I'm 16 how tall will you be when I'm an adult?
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I heard he was my height and im 16 and 6'6. So how tall was Lebron James at 16?


Can I move in with my 19 year old boyfriend is im 16?

If adult age in your state is 16 or older-yes

If im 57 inches tall how many feet is that?

12 inches in a foot -- so you are 4 feet and 9 inches.

Im 5-6 and im 14 is that tall for your age?

No. Most kids generally attain 95% of their adult height by age 14.

Can i go to jail im 16?

Yes you can, but you have to commit a crime serious enough to be tried as an adult.

If im 16 and father a baby am i emancipated?

No. You made a bad choice. That does not make you a legal adult.

Can I move in with my 19 year old boyfriend if im 16?

No, you are not an adult at the age of 16. If you are having sex with your boyfriend then he is a child molester.

If im 16 years old and 6 foot 4 inches then how tall will i be when you are 18?

However tall were you when you were 3 double that and you have your answer.

Can you grow 3 inches at 16 im a male im 5'7 now im about 200 lbs i don't know how tall your parents are cause im adopted?


How tall will you be as an adult when you are 5 ft'10 in as a kid?

its very hard to tell im only fifteen im 6ft i still got 3 more yearsto grow

Can you leave your house when im 16?

In the US you have to have parental permission until you are legal adult age of your state, usually 18.

How tall are Aerosmith's original band members today?

All I know is Im taller than Steven Tyler. Im 16 and im about 6ft tall My mom went to the rock hall of fame and saw his clothes She says hes SHORT I know he looks tall but hes not. Hes awesome, Though.