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If you are currently injured and unable to work it will be very difficult to get coverage, and your current injury will be considered a pre-existing condition. You need to buy insurance when you are healthy, not after you get sick or injured.

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Q: If I am out of work for leg surgery and do not have insurance with m company how can I get short Term Disability or any compensation to help pay my bills while I am out?
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Can an insurance company force you to have surgery if you are trying to collect disability?

An insurance company can't force you to do anything. But, dependent on your policy, they could deny your claim or terminate benefits based on medical non-compliance.

Can you get disability insurance before surg?

If you are currently unable to work or disabled, you may not be able to qualify for a regular disability insurance policy. There are few insurance companies that can offer substandard disability insurance, or graded benefit disability insurance. You should discuss this with an experienced agent, before you get the surgery.

If you had surgery and the Doctor restricted you to 4 hrs work per day do the other 4 hrs come off your sick leave or does your work cover them?

That depends on your employer and company policy. If the surgery was due to a work related accident, you should get some compensation from your employer's Workers' Compensation insurance.

Can you collect disability insurance while recovering from surgery if you have been working for 35 years but are currently unemployed?

That would depend if you live in a state that provides disability insurance. The type of disability insurance would also depend on the seriousness of the surgery, i.e. is it short-term, work injury related (workers comp); longer term, permanent (SSDI); private insurance (depends on the insurance policy). The Related Link below is an excellent source for information on the above.

How much does insurance company cover for breast reduction surgery?

It depends on your insurance company police terms and conditions.

Can you get disability insurance before having lasik eye surgury?

Disability insurance can be for a variety of reasons and most are unrelated to your ability to have LASIK eye surgery. If you are visually disabled then it is unlikely that LASIK would be a suitable treatment.

Where can I found out about insurance bypass?

There are several sites that offer insurance information for gastric bypass surgery. One is . If you are considering gastric bypass surgery, you should contact your health insurance company to find out their policies since every insurance company is different.

Does insurance ever cover cosmetic surgery?

Cosmetic surgery isn't covered under most medical insurance policies. Usually, in order for an insurance company to cover cosmetic surgery, it needs to be considered "medically necessary". For example, if you need reconstructive surgery, your insurance company will cover it only if it was due to an accident or certain illness (like breast cancer).

When collecting long term disability can your insurance company force you to have surgery if the precedence does not guarantee that you will return to work?

Force you? They may not be able to force you but you should get your policy out and see if your benefits depend on following your recommendations. This is a better question for a lawyer to answer.

What is the average cost of bariatric surgery in California?

The cost of bariatric surgery is going to depend on what type of insurance you have and what they will cover. You can call your insurance company and ask the details and see if you need a referral to a physician to have the surgery.

Is health insurance and medical insurance the same definition?

Medical insurance will only pay you for hospitalization, predetermined ailments, and accidents. Health insurance covers hospitalization as well as ambulance charges. Add-on coverage includes critical illness, accidental disability, and so on. Medical insurance has no coverage flexibility; health insurance consumers can reduce the length of their policy.

How do you verify surgery benefits?

Call your insurance company befor the sugery date,get confirmation # from them.