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it is normal. it happens to most people. this is because the body hasn't found it's "pattern" yet, and is just getting used to its monthly cycle.

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Q: If I started my menstrual cycle on the third of January. Why do I have my menstrual cycle again on the thirtieth of January?
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It started January 19th, but the next showing will be February 2nd.

How do you start a menstrual cycle again?

Your menstrual cycle starts by itself when it is ready to do so, as long as you're healthy it will start by itself. There's no reason for you to try to do something to start your menstrual cycle again.

My last menstrual cycle was on January 22. When should the next menstrual cycle start?

your next period should be Feburay 22. its the same EVERY month. it'll always be the 22. but if its your first SOMETIMES it might take a couple months or even years to start again.

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How do you know your periods have started?

I'm not sure what kind of "periods" you are talking about (since it is under business and finance section), but if you are talking about menstrual periods, you will just know. If you're not sure, wait another month and if it happens again, then you've started.

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the menstrual cycle is normally 28 days. on days 0-5 there is the menstrual period then between days 12 and 16 an egg is released and the womb lining builds up again ready for days 0-5 where the linging is shed.

What does it mean when you menstrual cycle ends then start back after 2 years?

well, if your saying that you never had your period before and then you started, and then two years later you started again...............then it does not mean anything. that's actually normal,so you have nothing to worry about, I wondered the same thing when that happened to me.=)

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Menstrual cycle is the periodic bleeding that happens in woman in her fertile period of life. Menses or periods lasting for few days when they happen again and again after some period of days is called menstrual cycle.

Can you have your period again before the next month?

Yes, your period isn't determined by the calendar date but is determined by your menstrual cycle - if your menstrual cycle was only 21 days long then you could menstruate on the first of the month, then again on the twentyfirst of the month.

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Ask your Gyn Dr

Is it normal for a 13-year-old dog to start menstrual cycle again?

No! See your vet immediately!