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No. A mother's womb is a highly protective place in spite of all the tv shows and movies that try to depict that a pregnant woman is extremely delicate. Miscarriages that early in the pregnancy are very frequent and more usual than you may think. A roller coaster in the latter part of a pregnancy is another story altogether.

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Q: If I was 2 weeks pregnant and rode on a roller coaster do you think my baby would have died?
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If you have just found you are about 10 weeks pregnant and only the followin week have been on a roller coaster what could this do?

I wouldn't worry too much about it. As long as you are careful from now on things should be fine.

I rode mild roller coaster at 4 weeks pregnant Should I be worried if I have had a previous miscarriage?

I am sorry you have already had a miscarriage. Riding the rollercoaster is not going to make you have miscarriage. If you DO miscarry it is nothing to do with the rollercoaster. Good Luck.j

Can you ride a roller coaster at 7 weeks pregnant?

I would not recommend riding a roller coaster. The force of a roller coaster is almost the same as the one that astronauts experience on a rocket. Plus you will probably squish your belly in the safety seat or you may not be able to pull it down far enough to be safe. A merry-go-round or a Ferris wheel are safe to ride on.

Is it ok to ride a roller coaster before 1 month of being pregnant?

If there is a chance you will get bumped around and possible hit your tummy area, then no it isn't safe.AnswerBefore one month you probably won't even know you are pregnant so it is quite safe. If you did ride one and happen to miscarry it will have absolutely nothing to do with riding the roller coaster.Banging your tummy has nothing to do with it as the baby is not even out of the pelvis until 12 weeks along.AnswerMost roller coasters and amusement park rides have signs that state " Do not ride this ride if you are pregnant" Along with several other warnings. I would say NO it is not safe to ride these rides.

I think am pregnant i have not got my period for about 7 weeks now can i be pregnant?


Would your baby get affected if you go on wild rides and your 3 weeks pregnant?

Babies can get motion sickness, just like the rest of us. If you go on those rides and your baby gets sick, it may vomit and then spend the rest of it's time in the womb covered in vomit. You'll know if it is covered in vomit at birth.

At 14 weeks pregnant can i get on a roller coaster?

Is this a real question? If you know your pregnant then you shouldn't be doing anything like that. Well it depends on what rollarcoaster it is. like if it isnt high and dosent go fast and not upsidown, it should be ok, but it is all down to you because if anything happend to the baby it would be your fault. Also i wouldent reccomend it, sorry but if anything happend your killing your own baby . hope this helps

Symptoms have gone at 9 weeks pregnant - heartbeat at 7 weeks can you have miscarried?

Yes this can happen. I have had this happen 9 times. Heartbeat at 6-7 weeks and between 8-9 weeks I miscarry. We have done all the testing that can be done by infertility doctors and no one has an answer. It can be frustrating and an emotional roller coaster. Hang in there we do have 1 successful pregnancy so far and our little girl is going to be 3. We are pregnant not at 6 1/2 weeks. I refuse to go to the doctor because if it is meant to be it will be. I don;t want to hear a heartbeat then it be gone. If my symptoms are gone at 9 weeks then I will know. If they are there then we can celebrate. I am actually enjoying being pregnant and not stressing about going to the doctor to wonder what if. Hang in there and good luck you are not alone! -------North Canton, Ohio

You are 18 weeks pregnant but the doctors think your uterus feels like you are 24 weeks?

Get a 3rd opinion.

How many months is 34 weeks of pregnant?

8 months I think

You are 2 days delayed are you pregnant?

No. Two days is nothing. Think weeks, a month or more. Then, possible pregnant.

How many months along is someone who is 37 weeks pregnant?

Normally many people would think that 37 weeks would be equivalent to 9 months pregnant because there are 4 weeks in a month. However because there is slightly more than 4 weeks in a month, someone who is 37 weeks pregnant is just over 8 months pregnant.