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Some believe that Noah could not have gathered every animal on the earth and build the ark at the same time, he only had animals from his local region. Others would say that Noah didn't do the gathering, but God summoned them to the ark. Exactly how some of the animals who would've been blocked by water made it to the ark is another question, though if God could allow Peter to walk on water, He could've done the same for the other animals.

The ark landed only once, according to The Bible. The animals would have all had to walk back to where they lived, or be transported by God by whatever method He used to get them there in the first place.

Beam me up ScottySome swam back.

all the continents lumped together is called Pangaea. Google video has cool vids of this topic and there's quit a bit of interest about the realness of this "theory". If pangaea existed then all the animals would have walked. I find it odd how the animals in the waters were to die as well, you'd think the sharks would've had a whale of a time feeding on the dead carcasses floating about. I think more occurred than just water flooding the land mass. I purport that the earth increased in size and the continents blasted apart, hence dead fish lol. Then maybe god snuck over to North America and created a few moose, some eagles and those pesky but cute sea lions lol. Of course there is the Bering sea where animals could have walked. Its not impossible for god to do anything, he may have just materialized them in the ark, after building an ark in a desert what would surprise you next lol. Since the bible occupies all of its time in the Middle East what went on in north America south America and Australia etc.. didn't matter and god did what he did elsewhere. With every good and great plan there are always loose ends to clean up somehow.

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Q: If Noah had different animals from all over the world did he drop them off where they live today or did they walk back?
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