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i don't think so.

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Q: If a US service man marries a Mexican woman from Mexico with a daughter and adopts the daughter does mother and child become American citizens upon coming to America?
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Related questions

What percent of Mexicans in America are Mexican American?

0%. You are either Mexican, or American.

Can two Mexican citizens who were married in Mexico get a divorce in California?

No, Mexican citizens can't get divorced in California if they were married in Mexico. One of the parties would need to be an American citizen.

If an immigrant has a baby with an American citizen in America what happens?

The child is automatically a U.S. citizen. I am a U.S. citizen and my husband is an illegal Mexican alien and we have two kids. Our children are U.S. citizens. As long as a chid is born in the U.S. they are citizens.

What is the difference between Mexican kids and American kids?

Mexican kids were born in Mexico and American kids were born in America

What was the impact on the size of the Mexican population after the Mexican-American war?

Very few of the former Mexican Citizens chose to move south. Most opted to remain where they were for one year and automatically become US Citizens. The impact on the Mexican American War population is that they are huge today in California, Arizona New Mexico. Nevada, Utah and Colarado. In these areas the population grew very large after the Mexican American War.

What country's fought in the mexican-american war?

Mexico, and America

Did America win the Mexican American war?

Yes. They did win.

What was true about the American settlers in Texas?

That they were humans. Improved answer: they had to become Mexican citizens. APEX ;D

Which states were given to America after the Mexican - American War?

The Mexican States of Alta California and Nuevo Mexico.

What has Mexican culture contributed to the US?

what way did the mexican american culture help the united states of america?

Can a American woman marry a Mexican man in Mexico?

yes, if their in america

Which region of America disagreed with the Mexican American War?

The industrial north.