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Q: If a cat goes out with another cat does that mean its pregnant?
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Why it is important to know whether cat is male or female?

Well you would like to know that because you want to know if the cat is going to get pregnant or get another cat pregnant....

Can your cat get pregnant if a boy cat goes into your yard when your girl cat is in your yard?

Only if they actually mate, and both have not been spayed or neutered.

How does a cat stay pregnant?

Do you mean how long they stay pregnant? if so its 9 weeks.

What if a pregnant cat does not produce milk?

Then you will have to bottle feed the kittens or get another cat with kittens to do it. You can ask a vet if you need kitten formula. A pregnant cat will usually not show milk until soon before she gives birth.

What does it mean when a cat meows when she's pregnant?

The kittens are kicking inside her.

What does it mean when a stray cat becomes friendly are you pregnant?

It means that the cat is friendly. There is no hidden meaning or higher significance to it. It's a cat, not an oracle.

Does the word Queen mean female cat?

a queen doesnt just mean a female also means a pregnant she cat who is going to have kits

Does a cat with FIV infect another cat?

Only through deep bite or scratch wounds where the saliva of the cat who is infected enters the other cat's bloodstream, or from pregnant cats to their offspring.

If a cat follows you does that mean you are preagnet?

A cat does not signal pregnancy, but you could be pregnant, not know it, and have a cat following you, but the cat's just a coincedence. In other words, cats are not pregnancy prophets.

If a female cat has nipples is she pregnant?

no, it doesnt mean she is pregnant. A male and female cats both have nipples. The females use theirs if they ever get pregnant. It is a storage area for milk for when she is pregnant.

When the cat is pregnant do they pere?

Yes, I've have had a cat that purred while she was pregnant.

One pregnant cat takes one kitten from a different litter?

What? another answer: thats not even a question