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It means he completely trusts the other cat, if the cat rolls on his belly in front of a human it means the same thing

That or like humans the cats a subservient and does that to every cat

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Q: If a cat rolls outside in front of another cat?
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Can a cat live outside without front claws?

It is not advisable to let a cat go outside if it has no front claws. A cat uses its claws for many things: defence, climbing, stretching and communication. A cat that is missing its claws will not be able to defend itself or escape to safety (climbing a tree for instance), which ultimately can put the cat in great danger. For this reason declawed cats are kept indoors where no harm can come to them.

A snake was left by a cat outside your front door of your house?

If it's your cat (and if the snake is dead), the cat is probably being loving and providing you with "food". Otherwise, I'm not sure what it means.

Why does your male cat attack your female cat when there is another cat outside?

Males are territorial, they both think they are the boss.

Can an outdoor cat be friends with indoor cat?

yes it can because if the cat is not a stray cat and it is your friends or something like that and it is outside it can become a indoor cat

What side of a cat contains the most hair?

im not really sure...i have 3 cats and i love them...but really...i think they have the same amount of hair anywhere on their bodies....unless someone shaves their cat but the hair on cats should be the same length....i have one long haired cat, and his hair is longer in i dont know wat to call it.. i guess it would be the arm pits of his front legs.....i mean he always has hair all bunched up in little balls in that i guess it kind of matters on what cat it is The outside has the most hair!

Related questions

If the cat rolls about with another cat and makes loud noises?

It is just having fun and playing. nothing else....

Can a cat live outside without front claws?

It is not advisable to let a cat go outside if it has no front claws. A cat uses its claws for many things: defence, climbing, stretching and communication. A cat that is missing its claws will not be able to defend itself or escape to safety (climbing a tree for instance), which ultimately can put the cat in great danger. For this reason declawed cats are kept indoors where no harm can come to them.

A snake was left by a cat outside your front door of your house?

If it's your cat (and if the snake is dead), the cat is probably being loving and providing you with "food". Otherwise, I'm not sure what it means.

What do you need for a cat?

food and water and another kitty for playing with and boots to go outside

How can you socialize an outdoor cat?

Get another cat...out them both outside...let them socialize...thats like asking how do you make toast with break and a toaster...

My cat is too young to have a flee collar but she has a lot of them from outside but she has to be an outside cat?

Slowly let your cat outside less and less until the cat doesn't go out at all.

Why does your male cat attack your female cat when there is another cat outside?

Males are territorial, they both think they are the boss.

What is the location of the common house cat?

Inside a house. Or a pet store, or outside, or in an animal shelter or another building.

Can cats get ringworms if they don't go outside?

Ringworm is infectious. It can be spread to a cat by another outdoor cat who goes out side or a dog who may be a house mate and goes outside and contracts it elsewhere. Even humans can pass it to a cat as a cat can pass it to humans. Otherwise if not exposed to anyone or any other means, it cannot get it.

Why do cats meow then start crying?

The cat may be trying to get your attention, or calling to another cat. A cat might also meow if there is something different going on, such as a storm occurring outside, or there being stress in the household.

Why does your cat constantly scratch at the front door while meowing loudly?

Most cats don't like to be kept indoors, so she's wanting outside to do her think! Because your cat goes outside it doesn't mean she's looking for a tom cat, or a tom cat is looking for a female. My cat Molly loves to go outside just around our gardens and sit in amongst the ferns and loves it when I go out and garden and will watch me for hours. She does have her 'friends' come around every so often. LOL

Why are there cats waiting outside your house for your cat?

Your cat is in heat.