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Q: If a cells cytoplasm contains 30 solute which off the following best describes the rest of its cytolasm?
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Where is the cytolasm found in DNA?

DNA is in the cell nucleus. cytoplasm is not in the nucleus but in all the rest of the cell.

Site of ribosomes?

Ribosomes are made in nucleolus.Later transported to cytolasm

What type of cell the organelles would be found in?

Cytoplasm is the internal living material of cells. it fills the space between the plasma membrane and the nucleus which is a round or spherical structure in the center of the cell. numorous small structures are part of the cytolasm, along with the fluid that serves as the interior environment of each cell. As a group , the small structure that make up much of the cytoplasm are called organelles. this name means "little organ" an appropiate name because they function for the cells like organs function for the body.

What is cytolasm?

Actually called cytolysis, versus cytolsus, is also referred to as osmotic lysis. When a cell bursts, caused by an osmotic imbalance, it causes addition water to enter the cell and is called cytolysis.

What is a list of cell organelles?

The organelles in this list are considered to be the general composite list of a typical eukaryotic cell: Nucleolus - Site of RNA synthesis and Ribosomal subunit assembly Nucleus - Contains chromatin or DNA (the protein building instructions) Nuclear Envelope - Contains pores that allow nucleic acids to enter or exit the nucleus Endoplasmic Reticulum - Two types smooth and rough. Smooth ER is a membrane bound system of hollow tubes that store calcium and phosphorous needed for normal cell maintenance and well as the purification site of aldehyeds, sterols, and alcohols. Rough ER, has Ribosomes attached to the surface and serves many of the same functions as smooth ER. Ribosomes - Contained almost completely of densely packed RNA fragments, ribosomes are responsible for receiving instructions for protein synthesis Golgi Body (Apparatus) - Membrane bound organelle that packages and transports materials inside and out of cells Mitochondria - site of end level cellular metabolism (respiration). also known as the Kreb's Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle Vacuole's or Inclusion Bodies - storage site for inorganic materials Lysosomes - Contain enzymes known as lysozymes that break down or digest worn cellular parts and ingest foreign invaders Peroxisomes - these small membrane sacs detoxify hydrogen peroxide Cytoskeleton - maintains the shape of the cell Centrioles, Centrosomes and the Centromere - responsible for the formation of the mitotic spindle during cell reproduction In very rare instances Chloroplasts Plasma Membrane, Cell Membrane, Selectively Permeable Membrane - thin membrane that encloses the cell, gives it the ability to allow or not allow certain substances into the cell.Golgi bodies, vacuole, nucleus, nuclear membrane, mitochondria, lysosome, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoplasm, and possibly more