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Q: If a company chose exclusive distribution for its products its probably very concerned with?
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If a company chose exclusive distribution for its products it's probably very concerned with A availability B image C affordability D popularity?

The answer would be B, image. By choosing one specific distributer you limit distribution but you increase the value perception of that product through the lack of mass availability.

What are the disadvantage of exclusive distribution?

Exclusive distribution generally only works for products that have a high price and high profit margin. Using this method focuses on one dealer, which is a major disadvantage.

What are some examples of selective and exclusive distribution?

selective distribution is used with "hard products" like furniture and stereos for instances. granting more rights to the producer exclusive distribution is used for expensive or upscale products like cars or jewelery. Granting more rights to the distributor. Hope this helps.

Will you recommand exclusive distribution with fmcgs?

The advantage of having exclusive distribution with your fmcg product is that you will have focus on your products and no other priorities getting in the way of you selling more. The disadvantage is that it will cost you more and may end up as a fixed cost which you can not manage if the turnover goes down. If you can afford exclusive - go for it

Intensive vs exclusive vs selective distribution?

selective refers to few selected retail customers in a territory to sell products. exclusive refers to selling product to a specific stores. intensive refers to place products in an many outlets as possible.

How do the level of product distribution differ?

Selective distribution occurs when manufacturers distribute products through a limited, select number of wholesalers and retailers. Under exclusive distribution, only a single wholesaler or retailer is allowed to sell the product

What does a distribution center do?

A distribution center is responsible for packaging products. They are also in charge of sending products to businesses that sell the products.

Difference between sole and sole and exclusive?

Sole distribution is the only retailer in one area allowed to sell a product. Exclusive distribution is where a seller carries only one producer's product and excludes similar products of different brand.

What distribution system should a manufacturer of consumer goods use?

The type of distribution system would be largely related to the marketing strategy of the company. Looking at the company as a general manufacturer of consumer goods the most likely system would be one of "selective distribution." In selective distribution the company would target their products to specific outlets where their products would best fit. Other types of distribution would be "intensive distribution" where the company would try to sell their products to as many different outlets as possible and "exclusive distribution" whereby the company would look to a very limited number of outlets that would most likely specialize in a specific niche. "Selective distribution" falls in between these two types. APEX... :) Standardization

Distinguish between selective distribution and exclusive distribution?

Selective distribution involves a producer using a limited number of outlets in a geographical area to sell products. An advantage of this approach is that the producer can choose the most appropriate or best-performing outlets and focus effort (e.g. training) on them. Selective distribution works best when consumers are prepared to "shop around" - in other words - they have a preference for a particular brand or price and will search out the outlets that supply.Exclusive distribution is an extreme form of selective distribution in which only one wholesaler, retailer or distributor is used in a specific geographical area.

What is an example of channel of distribution?

Name a company that uses conventional distribution channels to sell their products

Examples of Products exclusively distributed in the Market and also resons?

Muhammad Kamran+923025263800SOURCE:-Marketing 301 notes and Internet searching.EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION:-Exclusive distribution means openhanded a limited number of dealers the specialright to issue the company's products in their area.FMCG s:-FMCGs:- (Fast Moving Consumer Goods). are reasonably priced products that people usually buy on a standard basis, such as supermarket foods or edibles.RECOMMENDATION AS EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION FOR FMCGs OR NOT:-I will not recommend exclusive distribution for FMCGs because they arerequired on regular basis and should be available in every market on most number ofshops and people should have an easy approach towards these products.EXCLUSIVELY DISTRIBUTED PRODUCTS:-1. Shell PetroleumREASON: - It is exclusively distributed due to its distribution requires financially strong dealers and dealers whose standing is well in the marketplace as well as in the civilization.And dealers must be able to hold the complex and unforeseen situation of the market.Dealers are required to have a knowledge that why Shell Petroleum is better than others.2.(DELL) COMPUTERS.REASON: - It is extensively sold out because dealers whichare present in the market to sale and service the electric and (I.T) machines and the distributors are required to be financially strong and distributors should have knowledge about electric equipments and software advancement of these machines as well.