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Q: If a couple of illegal aliens separate or divorce is there a legal possibility for the mother to get child support?
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What is a separate maintenancece agreement in a divorce or separation?

One could also term it temporary alimony, it is a form of support.

Can California child support service overrule a divorce petition?

No. The dissolution of a marriage and the financial support of one's biological children are two completely separate issues.

Does the husband have to sign the divorce papers if it is a case of domestic violence?

Divorce and domestic violence are separate issues. Not signing the divorce papers may not prevent the wife from getting the divorce and won't change any of the orders of the divorce such as property distribution, child support, etc.

You are filing for divorce with legal zoom your child support has already been established through the department of revenue can you still use legal zoom?

Child support is a separate issue.

Is it possible to try and get back pay child support from your biological father if there is no court order it was just in the divorce papers?

If it was a part of the divorce papers, there should have been a separate child support order, unless the divorce is more than 30 years old, predating the Federal Child Support Enforcement Act. Under those circumstances, it would be unenforceable.

Do you start paying child support from the date you separate or the date you file for divorce?

The order would be retroactive to the date of separation. see links below

Does a divorce decree supersede a child support order?

If the divorce decree addresses child support and is issued after the child support order then it replaces the child support order. If the child support order was issued or amended after the divorce decree then you abide by the most recent order with regard to child support.

Is it illegal to not allow the children to see the other parent if they do not pay child support?

If there is a court order for visitation or custody it is illegal to not follow the court order. Child support, custody and visitation are 3 separate issues in court. Paying child support or not is not a reason to take away the child's right to see his/hers parent.

If a US citizen marries an illegal alien and then divorced is the US citizen still legally financially responsible for the alien after the divorce?

I believe the spousal support decision by the court in the divorce decree would take precedence here .

Can a parent bring a minor into Mexico without permission of the other parent?

This depends on a sole factor of whether you have a divorce decree or not. If you do not then there is nothing illegal about it; however if you do your divorce decree (or child support agreement) dictates where you may bring your child on a permanent or temporary basis.

You are about to file for a uncontested divorce IN NV but you want full control over your kids and dont want the court ordered child support can you avoid this?

Child support? Yes, but custody is a separate issue and children deserve both parents.

Is daycare payment separate from child support?

You need to check the provisions in the separation agreement and divorce decree. In some case they are addressed separately in some they are not. It often depends on the skill of your attorney.