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I think this is impossible. But try drawing 4 squares on a piece of paper, then gradually filling the squares with 'sheep', and see if you can work it.

But it can be done ! # Draw a large square on a piece of paper,

# draw three small squares inside the large one but not overlapping,

# put three sheep in each of the small squares. # Count the number of sheep in each square including the large one.

# Then you have answered it yourself.

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Q: If a farmer has 9 sheep and 4 pens how does he get an odd number of sheep in each pen?
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it's impossible i thinkActually, if you consider the unrealistic situation of concentric pens with 1 sheep in the inner-most pen, 4 in the next outer pen, 18 in the next outer pen and finally 4 in the next outer pen, there are an odd number in each pen (1, 5, 23 and 27 sheep in each respective pen) and a total of 27 sheep overall.

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A large rectangular pen in which 3 smaller rectangular pens are placed. Two pigs are placed in each small pen.

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No. The sum of four odd numbers will always be an even number!

If 15 pigs are put in 4 pens how can there be an odd number of pigs in each pen?

Put 5 sheep in each of three small pens... THEN - build a larger pen enclosing the three smaller ones. The smaller pens each have an odd number of sheep in them (5 in each) - and the large pen has a total of 15 sheep enclosed within it !

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A sheep pen is called just a "pen." The larger pens or multiple pens together is called a stockyard.

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2 of those,a roster,and a chicken...

Where can one purchase printed promotional pens?

Printed promotional pens can be purchased from a number of places. Companies such as Pens Xpress, Amsterdam Printing, and Custom Ink each provide customizable options for promotional needs.

What is the place called where sheep are kept?

Why do want to know? Anyway, they are kept in pens called GS pens because it is very dangerous if you do not have pens for sheep and goats because they carry out a disease called hircositus. Hope this helps!

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The 25 pens, because they cost 0.19 each, whereas the 40 pens cost 0.20 each.