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AnswerIt is possible to voluntarily relinquish parental rights if you meet the TPR requirements pursuant to the laws of the state. (Side bar: Don't expect a friendly reception from the presiding magistrate.)

In most cases, you will still have to pay child support, even if you voluntarily sign away parental rights.

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16y ago just signed over your parental rights.that means you are not responsible anymore for that child.wait until they are 18 then come back in his/her life blame everything on the mother and ruin their lives.

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Q: If a father signs away all rights and stops child support does the mother have to agree to it?
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Can you sign your rights away and not have to pay child support?

Yes, but the mother/father has to agree. In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Does a mother have to agree for a father to pay child support?

No, Welfare will file, plus the father can file an order, as he should. see link

If ex girl gets married do you still have to pay child support?

Yes. If the father and mother mutually agree to relinquish the biological father's rights he will not have to pay child support. However, most states will not allow this unless the new spouse is willing to legally adopt and provide for the child.

What happens in Idaho if you sign over your parental rights?

The court and the mother have to agree to that you do this and you continue to pay child support incl the back support if there is any until the child is adopted. You will no longer have any rights to the child.

If a father signs away all rights and stops child support does the mother have to agree?

Yes. The court's job is to decide what is in the child's best interest. Even if the father does not want to see the child, why would it be in the child's best interest to give up child support for the child? There are, of course, exceptions, such as when the father is so bad for the child that giving up child support is better than having him around.

If a father signed over parental rights does he still have to pay child support or medical expenses?

I don't see how. But the laws are all messed up on this check into your state laws. I don't think he can just sign over parental rights he has to sign them over to someone or the mother has to agree if that is the case most likely he will not have to pay support.

If Father wants to keep his 3 year old daughter overnight does he have a right to do this if the mother does not agree. He does not support his child financially.?

He is the father and not to allow him his child would hurt the child. Take him to family court for the support.

What happens when a mother doesn't agree to father relinquishing his rights?

In most cases, a parent's decision to relinquish parental rights is voluntary. The other parent's feelings generally make no difference.

What are the steps and obligations involved when an unmarried mother is seeking child support?

The first step would be to establish legal paternity. This requires filing documents in court and is typically accomplished through DNA testing which can be done voluntarily with the alleged father's consent. If he does not consent, the mother can petition the court to order the putative father to submit to testing.Once paternity has been established, the father can then choose to pay child support and request visitation rights or he can choose to terminate his parental rights. In some cases, the termination of rights would also end the obligation for child support, especially if the mother has remarried and her new husband wishes to adopt the child. Some courts will also allow the mother to agree that she no longer needs the financial support. However, there are just as many cases where the father is allowed to terminate his rights but must continue to pay support for the child. Remember, the court always uses the "best interest of the child" standard and if it is deemed that the financial support is needed, then the father is responsible until the court says otherwise. If the father chooses to keep his parental rights, the court will issue an order to address child support, custody and visitation arrangements. In the event that paternity can't or hasn't been established, the court will not order the alleged father to pay child support. He can however, voluntarily choose to accept the responsibility.

Can a mother in Arkansas make her children's father relinquish his rights if he is three years behind on child support and has multiple drug charges?

No, she can't make him do it, but she can petition the court to terminate his parental rights. The court may or may not agree to do it. There's not enough information here to hazard a good guess.

How does a mother and father of a child change custody from the mother to the father if both parties agree?

Use a mediatorsee link

Can a father have his name added to a child's birth certificate if the mother agrees?

A child's biological father can have his name added to a child's birth certificate regardless of whether or not the mother agrees to it. If the biological father voluntarily relinquishes his parental rights and the child is legally adopted by another man, his name can be added to the birth certificate in place of the biological father.