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A dog you have seen being bred (and within 36hours) can be brought the vet and possibly treated with a medication that will prevent the eggs to 'nest'.

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Q: If a female dog is breeding what medication can you give her so she would not breed?
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If you are talking about, as I would assume, you would go to the page of the horse you want to breed. Then you scroll down and it should say (if it is old enough, which is 1 year 2 months) something like "Breeding Fee". You click on that and you set your breeding fee, and then you go to the Breeding Barn and you scroll down until you see that horse's name. If it is all vaccinated, groomed, etc. (and if it happens to be female and you have not bred it in the last week), then you click on that horse's Breeding Info and click on the button that says something along the lines of "Breed this Capall." Then you find the horse you want to breed with and just click. hope this helps :)

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It can be either way. For example, with a labradoodle, if the father was a labrador and the mom was a poodle, it would be a labradoodle, but the name would be the same visa versa.

Can female dogs get pregnant without breeding?

You would have to do artificial insemination.

Is it okay to breed a maltipoo with another maltipoo if so any advice?

i do not see why not since it would still be somewhat purebred with 2dog mixes in it,as long as the female dog is healthy enough to have a litter,but when breeding a dog best advice i can give is make sure the female is at least 2 years of age and do not breed her more then once a year.

How would you breed dogs to enhance that trait?

A type of selective breeding called purebred breeding. Find the superior traits in a breed then pass it on the next generation. By pairing the best together for a lineage that preserves those traits.