

Best Answer
  • Yes. It doesn't mean that they will collect, but they can sue.
  • In the UK - the owner of a property owes a duty to visitors to the property should an accident occur on the premises. However, a criminal act is very different as this is a deliberate wilful act and not an accident. Thus unless there is some reason that the home owner in someway contributed to causing the fight any claim lies between the two parties who were fighting. If the person whose teeth were knocked out did not consent to the fight and was merely defending himself then a claim for compensation could be made against the criminal injuries compensation authority. See the related link entitled "criminal injury" to see the process of claiming criminal injuries compensation.
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Q: If a fight happens during a party on your property can the guest who's teeth got knocked out sue your homeowners insurance even though they have assault charges placed on them?
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Is it necessary in an assault case for the victim to press charges or can other parties press charges-?

The police or the victim are the only people who can press charges in an assault case.

Can you make a complaint for assault after being charged with assault in the same incident?

It depends on the state. Some do not allow "assault on assault" charges.

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How long to you have to press assault charges?

It is best to press charges immediately after the assault or as soon as possible to ensure that the police report is accurate and that the ruling is in your favor.

Charged with felony assault but was dropped?

If you were charged with a felony assault and the charges were dropped, you do not have a criminal record. The charges can be picked up by the state at a later date.

How do you drop assault charges in Virginia?

One way to file assault charges in the state of Virginia is to have police officer come to your home. A person can also visit the local courthouse and press charges there.

Can a parent press assault charges for their teenager if the teenager doesn't give them consent?

They can try. Without your cooperation it may not get far.Added: FIrst of all, INDIVIDUALS can NOT PRESS CHARGES! They can only file complaints with law enforcement. Then the prosecutor's office PRESSES charges. It may also depend greatly on just what type of "Assault" the question is referring to. (SIMPLE Assault - ASSAULT and Battery - SEXUAL Assault???)

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Where do you file your assault charges?

Local police station.

Are you considered convicted if your charges for an assault were dismissed but your charge still show is up in your record?

No. The charges were dismissed.