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It depends, if you're daughter or yourself has a ton of leg hair that's dark then you may want to consider shaving. If not there is no reason to shave your legs... Love who you are!

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Q: If a girl starts shaving her legs at 10 is that too early?
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Related questions

What are the negative effects of girl shaving legs?

sometimes you can get cuts or rashes

Girls would you stop shaving your legs if sociality changes it attitude about shaving?

I stopped shaving my legs already.

Is there a scene in friends with Jennifer Aniston shaving her legs?

No, there is no scene of her shaving her legs.

Does your legs get hard and black after shaving?

of course your legs don't get black and hard after shaving.

You are ten and all of the kids inmy class are shaving their legs what do you do?

If you're a boy, don't do it. If you're a girl, go for it.

Should a grade eight girl be allowed to wax her legs?

it really does depend on the parent thinks but i'd stick to shaving

What is the definition of manscaping?

To remove by waxing or shaving. EX: I will manscape my legs by shaving them.

Young boys shaving legs?


How should you ask if you can start shaving your legs?

i just said "mum, can i ask you a girl question" and she said "of course". I said"can i start shaving my legs" and she asked why and had a look and suggested removal cream first. im not gonna pretend i wasnt nervous to ask. just do it and you will feel better.

How often should a eleven year old girl shave her legs?

Honestly, I don't think an 11 year old should be shaving already. But if you have the go ahead from your mom, then you should do it whenever you need it. Like every morning after shaving my legs I run my hand down my legs. If I feel fuzzies, I know I need to shave again.

Why does it hurt and tingle when I shave my legs?

It could be that you don't have enough soap or shaving cream on your legs when you shave. Try wetting your legs before and put lots of soap or shaving cream on them. Or you could have sensitive skin. Not much you can do about that, except get a shaving cream that is for sensitive skin...

How hairy can a girl leg get?

that depends on how hairy you moms legs were (are), and how hairy you grandmothers legs were (are), meaning really hairy legs could be a part of your dna, smooth legs could also be a part or your dna. it also depends if you've tried shaving before, which will make your leg hairs thicker. i recommend shaving though, you wont be able to stop but it's really easy and makes you legs look nice.