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Ok first he trying to make you think why is he asking me this everytime isn't this a joke then it comes up does he like me? then u go up to him and say why do u keep on askin this like me?theres your answer

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Q: If a guy asks you out like all the time but its a joke how do you tell if they really do like you but are too scared to actually tell you?
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The boy you like asks you out because he was dared to so how do you know if he really likes you?

ok DO THIS talk 2 him........ask him if he really does or if it was all really just a joke... sorry if it was a joke and congrats if it worked out

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Just say yes and if it was a joke, say you were joking too.

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Why would a guy mess with a girl?

This is a really cruel thing to do, and any boy who does is not worth going out with in any case. Most of the time, these boys think they're being really funny when they ask girls out as a joke. They don't realize just how awful and unfunny it actually is.