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Q: If a guy gives you a nickname and never uses your real name anymore does he like you as more than a friend?
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Let them go. If they aren't your friend anymore then they were never your friend. At least not someone that was close or someone you can call your brother.

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If she is a real friend shell stop ignoring you. Try talking to her and tell her how it makes you feel

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He doesn't like you anymore.

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no i dont think so... I gave my friend an "interesting" nickname and he never said anything to me

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Then its not your fault. Your friend is probably going through some tough times or maybe she just doesnt like u anymore. But dont trip. Friends come and go.

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His nickname is Jusin

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You just have to tell him, or else he will never know, and you two will NEVER end up together. P.S:How do you know he will freak out? maybe he like you too.

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It is none of your business anymore. You broke up with her. She is free to date whomever she wants. No it means you have to find a new friend ! Never mess with a good friend his ex girlfriend . .

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It never said all it ever said about his nickname was that they just called him that there was never an explication for why.

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Elmo never had a nickname, unless you want to give him one!

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She had a bad experience with him and she doesn't want to think about him anymore.