

If a horse is affraid a horses instinct is too?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Ruunaway from the thing that's scaring it ..X

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Q: If a horse is affraid a horses instinct is too?
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Horses can get quite Obese depending on what they are fed and their activity level. No horse should be allowed to get overweight, it is in fact worse for a horse to be too fat rather than too thin. But the best thing is for a horse to be fit and healthy.

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Daffodils can be harmful to a horse, if too much is eaten.

What breed is your horse?

freisian.. thourough breds and quarter horses are popular too

Why don't horses lie down when it rains?

Horses typically won't lie down when it's raining due to the ground possibly becoming too slippery to get back up again. It's also a survival instinct, a horse that is laying down while it rains has a chance of not seeing, hearing, or smelling a predator in time to escape.

Are horses very loyal 'cause I herd they were.?

If you are loyal and kind and consistent, your horse will be too.

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There are no horses in Antarctica. It's too cold and there is no food chain for them there.

Has the prezwalski horse ever been tamed?

Przewalski horses have never been fully domesticated or tamed. They have a very strong primitive survival instinct and this has made them too aggressive to be fully tamed. Though they can be taught to allow humans to handle them in zoo type settings.

Do horses like carrots or apples better?

It depends on the horse and what the horses diet is. Some horses like carrots more than apples and some horses like apples more than carrots. Never feed your horse too much treats, like carrots and apples, because too much treats will make your horse too fat and they cannot burp or puke so they will die in the next 12 hours or so.

What kind of horses are there?

Well there is many different kinds of horses i could name all of them for you but there is too many so i will just name a few common ones. Quarter horse, thoroughbred, clydesdale, shetland pony, Walking horse, racking horse, and a mustang.

How many horses have died from horse racing?

too many to count probably, its horrendous :(

Can a horse that is friendly with people be aggressive with horses?

It depends on whether or not the other horses it's with are aggressive. If they are, it may be possible that the horse in question could defend itself. Yes, and it can go the other way too.

Can a horse live with goats and sheep?

yes, because when a horse does a poo, the grass is too sweet around that area but it is not too sweet for the other animals! horses can also live with cows.