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Q: If a mammal has a dense coat of fur what might you infer about the climate where that mammal lives?
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Is a mammal has a dense coat of fur what might you infer about the climate where that mammal lives?

You can infer that the mammal lives in a very cold climate. Although the mammal could swim for much of its life, it would have to spend at least some of its time on land if it had a dense coat of fur.

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rare mammal that lives in trees in the dense forests of southeast Asia.

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the animals are beautiful

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The fennec fox is a mammal of the Sahara.

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A human

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a giraffe lives in a 70 degree climate

What can you infer usefulness of animals in our lives?

ya...they are sweet when you are sweet towards them......:)

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The lion lives in Africa and is called the king of the beasts.

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The Bowhead whale is the longest living mammal.

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Puorpous is a mammal that lives in the ocean.