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If any one of the paren is citizen..all children under 18 become US citizen automatically

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Q: If a mother becomes a us citizen and her child has lived in the us as a rsident for over 5 years and is under the age of 18 does the child become a us citizen?
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father borm in san francisco but the mother is an mexican citizen and baby born in mexico is the baby an american citizen

What if an alien becomes pregnant by a U.S. citizen?

if this alien becomes pregnant by an American, the baby is automaticaly an American citizen but at any time the mother can be deported back to her country unless she is married to the father of the baby or to a u.s citizen.

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No. A baby born in the USA is automatically a citizen, but the mother is still illegal.

When did Mother Teresa become an Indian?

She became a citizen of India in 1948.

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when her daughter has a child A woman becomes a grandmother when her son or daughter becomes a parent.

Can i become a barbados citizen if my mother is?

It depends on if you mother was born in Barbados.If she was & is still alive then you can apply for Barbados citizenship by descent.

Can an illegally stayed mother with an U.S citizen child stay in US legally?

Your child is a U.S. citizen, you're not. You have to go to the United States government site and see what you can do to become a U.S. citizen.

Will you become one with Russia?

Da~ But in soviet Russia, Mother russia becomes one with you~

Can mother of us citizen children become a citizen in three years after getting her green card?

Unlikely- she would still be best waiting for the full 5 years

Can you become a Trinidad citizen without giving up your UK passport you were adopted at birth but your birth mother is from Trinidad?

Yes, u can without giving up you passport, but you can't use it anymore after you've become a citizen of trinidad.

Mother Teresa was a citizen of which country before she became an Indian citizen?

Mother Teresa was Albanian.

How does a mother become abusive to her children?

a mother becomes abusive once she begins to harm her children, or put them in any sort of physical or emotional danger