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If you use drugs, youll get ur kids taken away. no matter what.

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Child custody decisions are based on the best interests of the children. A parent's drug use can be a concern for the court, but it will depend on the circumstances. If the children are well cared for and safe, the court may prioritize providing support and resources to address the drug use rather than immediately removing custody. It's important for the parents to seek help and address any substance abuse issues to ensure the well-being of the children.

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Q: If a parent has no pr and other has children would thay lose custody if involved in alittle drug use the kid are well cared for?
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Can a parent leave the country with children without consent from other parent?

In general, if both parents have legal custody rights, a parent typically needs the other parent's consent to leave the country with the children. If one parent leaves with the children without the other parent's consent, it could be considered parental abduction and legal action may be taken. It's important to consult with a family law attorney for specific advice based on the circumstances.

How old do you legally have to be to chose to go or not to go to the opposite parent in a joint custody?

In most jurisdictions, children are typically around 12-14 years old before they are legally allowed to have a say in custody decisions such as choosing whether to go to the other parent's house or not. However, this can vary depending on the specific laws and regulations of the state or country where the custody agreement is taking place. It's advisable to consult with a family law attorney to understand the laws regarding children's input on custody decisions in a particular jurisdiction.

Can a 16 year old live with a non custudial parent if the other parent has died in Ok?

In Oklahoma, if a minor's custodial parent dies, the non-custodial parent can generally assume custody. However, the court may intervene to determine the best interests of the minor, especially if there are concerns about the non-custodial parent's ability to care for the minor. It's advisable to consult with a family law attorney to navigate this process.

What happens to the child when the parent who has custody goes to jail?

When a parent with custody goes to jail, child custody arrangements can vary depending on the situation. The child may go to live with the other parent, a relative, a foster family, or be placed in the care of child protective services. The court will typically make a decision based on the best interests of the child.

Can you move with your children to another stae without the other parents permission?

In most situations, if you share custody with another parent, you should have that parent's permission or a court order before relocating with your children to another state. Failure to do so could result in legal complications, including charges of parental kidnapping. It's important to consult with a family law attorney to understand your rights and legal obligations before making such a move.

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Can you move your children out of state if you have residential custody?

There is physical (residential) custody and legal custody. If you share legal custody with the other parent of if they have visitation rights you cannot move the children without the non-custodial parent's consent and/or court approval.There is physical (residential) custody and legal custody. If you share legal custody with the other parent of if they have visitation rights you cannot move the children without the non-custodial parent's consent and/or court approval.There is physical (residential) custody and legal custody. If you share legal custody with the other parent of if they have visitation rights you cannot move the children without the non-custodial parent's consent and/or court approval.There is physical (residential) custody and legal custody. If you share legal custody with the other parent of if they have visitation rights you cannot move the children without the non-custodial parent's consent and/or court approval.

If a mother has custody of the children but does not live with them what can a non custodial parent who wants the children do?

The non-custodial parent can go to court and request custody of the children. A judge will decide which parent should be awarded custody of the children. The circumstances under which the children are currently living, combined with the reason(s) they are not living with you will be a big factor in whether or not you get to keep custody of the children.

Can an out of state parent gain custody of children?

Yes, depending on the circumstances. Generally, the parent who has custody must be deemed unfit for the court to remove the children from their custody. You should seek advice from an attorney who specializes in custody issues in the jurisdiction where the children reside.

Is there a difference in a parent who has custody of the children but not married vs the parent that does not have custody and is getting married and is fighting for custody of the children?

Being married or unmarried is not much of a determining factor when it comes to custody nowadays. In order to have custody changed you would need to prove that either your household and parenting abilities are substantially better than the other parent, or that their situation is detrimental to the children. Having a spouse does not necessarily mean that you are better able to care for the children, especially if the other parent has had custody for a significant length of time without the children having any problems in a single parent household.

How do you get interm custody?

In order to get interim custody, you will need to petition the court. When children live with one parent, and the other has visitation, but there is no order in place, the parent whom the children live with has what is called defacto custody.

Can a remarried parent relocate children?

Not if the other parent has joint custody and/or visitation rights.

In Colorado can a parent take children from a home?

This depends on the circumstances and the home where the children reside. If they are in foster care, than no. If the other parent has custody, than no. If the other parent if a single mother, and custody has not been established, than no.

Can a parent receiving disability-SSI-get custody of their children?

Yes, a parent receiving disability SSI can seek custody of their children. The court will consider the best interests of the child when making custody decisions, and the disability status of a parent alone does not prevent them from obtaining custody. The court will evaluate factors such as the parent's ability to care for the child and provide a stable environment.

Can you get custody of your children if they now live with you?

If there was a previous court order giving the other parent custody, but the children are now living with the non-custodial parent, then yes. You should petition the court to change the custody order to reflect the new living arrangements.

If both parents have 5050 custody of children what happens if one parent becomes incarcerated does that parent lose their custody?

That's up to a judge, but why would it matter?

Is the parent who has custody of children the primary insured on a dental insurance?

You will need to read your custody agreement. There is no general rule.

How can you get sole custody of your 3 children from a previous relationship?

You can get sole custody of your children from a previous relationship by by filing custody paperwork through the courts. A judge will then review the case and determine which parent should receive custody.