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That mRNA sequence had to come from the complement to it. Remeber that the sequence is normally read 5' to 3'. The complement that produced it would be seen in the 3' to 5' orientation (reverse) during transcription. Therefore, find the complement source by reading the sequence in reverse and making the following substitutions: a becomes t, u becomes a, g becomes c, and c becomes g. The result is the following DNA source sequence read 5' to 3': ctaagtcgcaatttttggcat.

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14y ago

The mRNA is formed by complementary base pairing. In DNA an A in one strand always pairs with a T in the other. Similarly a G in one strand always pairs with a C in the other. When mRNA is formed, U (uracil) replaces T. So if the first four bases in the DNA strand are ATTG... the first four bases in the mRNA strand will be UAAC... You can work out the rest yourself!

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Question: TGAAC

Answer: ACUUG

I think S:

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I believe it's UGGCUCCAA

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Q: If a portion of a DNA strand has the base sequence ACGACG what will be the base sequence of the mRNA strand transcribed?
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