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Q: If a snake receives 200 cal of energy from eating a rabbit how much of that energy would be passed onto the hawk?
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If a snake receives 200 calories of energy from eating a rabbit how much of that energy would be passed on to the hawk?


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If a snake receives 200 calories of energy from eating a rabbit how much of that energy would passed on to a hawk in the following food chain?

it would be 20 calories = 10%

How does a rabbit move?

a rabbit moves by eating to get energy for his/her legs to jump.

Where does a rabbit get its energy to live?

by eating food

Is rabbit a consumer or proudcer?

A rabbit is a consumer, as it obtains its energy by eating grass and other vegetation.

What is the organism that's gets energy from eating other organisms?

If you're asking for an example, then an example could be a wolf eating a rabbit. It has taken the energy from the rabbit, which the rabbit had gotten the energy from the plants it had been eating. The plants got their energy from the sunlight, using it to make glucose.

What is an example of primary consumer gaining energy?

A squirrel eating a nut is an example of a primary consumer gaining energy. A caterpillar eating a plant

Which of the is an example of a primary consumer gaining energy?


Can Energy can be passed from plant to animals?

In the food chain yes. A rabbit (animal) eats the grass (plant) and it now has the energy that it absorbed from the sun and ground. the rabbit dies and the energy is givven back to the earth.

What way do arrows in a food chain go?

The arrows point the way the energy is transfered e.g. Grass => Rabbit => Fox The energy from the grass gets transferred to the rabbit who is eating it and then the energy from the rabbit to the fox