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Q: If a telegraph was invented it probably would have prevented the war of 1812?
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How would you put telegraph in an sentence?

Bell was trying to improve the telegraph when he invented the telephone. They used the telegraph to communicate across the ocean.

Who developed a code that would communicate messages using a telegraph?

Samuel Morse invented the telegraph and the code that the telegraph used (Morse code).

When was the telegraph outdated?

The telegraph is still in use but it has evolved and is in use in specialized circumstances. The telephone which was invented in 1876 would have gradually replaced the telegraph in commercial usage.

Who was Baron Schilling?

Reportedly, Baron Schilling, the Russian minister to Austria had invented an electronic magnetic telegraph as far back as 1825. The Romanov Czar of Russia at the time feared that subversive anti-government parties could use the system to their advantage. He therefore prevented the press to write about it. There would be a controversy over the next few years concerning the telegraph.

When was the telegraph invented?

There were several steps towards the invention of the telegraph.The non-electric telegraph was invented in 1794 by Claude Chappe. This system used semaphore, rather than electrical signals along a wire, as later telegraphs did.A simple form of electric telegraph using liquid and the concept of electrolysis was invented in 1809 by Samuel Soemmering of Bavaria. This was not a commercially viable product, but it showed how electrical signals could be transmitted.In 1825 William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet, which would later play a big part in the transmission of signals via telegraphs.In 1830, Joseph Henry used Sturgeon's concept of the electromagnet to send communication signals along a wire.The electric telegraph itself, which came to be the mainstay of 19th century communications, was investigated and improved upon from around 1835 by Samuel F B Morse. In 1843, the first experimental telegraph line from Washington to Baltimore was constructed, using Morse's concepts.In 1893, the wireless telegraph was invented by Guglielmo Marconi.

The three ways people used the telegraph in the 1800?

You wrote your message on a telegraph form.You handed the telegraph form to the clerk at your local telegraph office.The clerk would count the words of the message and tell you how much it would cost.You would pay the clerk.The clerk would put your telegraph form in the stack of outgoing telegrams.The telegraph operator at your local telegraph office would send the telegrams on the telegraph forms in the stack of outgoing telegrams using the telegraph key.The telegraph operator at the recipient's local telegraph office would listen to the telegraph sounder and write the telegrams down on telegraph forms and put them in the stack of incoming telegrams.Telegraph delivery boys/men would take the telegraph forms in the stack of incoming telegrams and go around town delivering them to the recipients.

What prevented a completely successful D day?

The lack of planning on the Allied part. IF they would have planned it better, they probably would not have had as many losses.

Why didn't the California receive titanic's telegraph message's for help?

Their telegraph was broken, so it was difficult and, well, it was probably the best idea to jam people in lifeboats so they would carry more that 20, and only 6/705 should of died

Who invented an electric relay that would later be vital to the creation of the electric telegraph?

Like so many large breakthroughs, the 'building' of an electric telegraph occurred over a period of time and via a number of people and events during the early 1800's.

What circumstances would have prevented your departure?

What circumstances would have prevented your departure?

Was there a problem with communication before the telephone was invented?

Before the Telephone became available for use long distance electronic communication consisted of The telegraph. To take advantage of this form of communication one had to take ones message to a telegraph office where a telegraph operator would send it using Morse code to a recipients post office where it would be deciphered and sent on as a telegram to the recipient While the Telegraph was a great step forward in communication it was certainly far more cumbersome and difficult to take advantage of then modern telephony.

What is the name of a telegraph transmitter with a typewriter keyboard?

Most telegraph transmitters are keyboard-operated, so one with a typewriter keyboard would simply be a telegraph transmitter.