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According to the 22nd Amendment, ratified in 1951, a succeeding vice-president who serves less than 2 years of a President's term is eligible to serve two full terms of his own, if elected. If the vice-president (or any successor) serves more than 2 years of an unexpired term, he/she is only eligible for one additional four-year term. Since this was not further addressed in the 25th Amendment (1967), the provisions remain in effect in the present day.

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A vice president who takes over mid-term and serves less than two years can still run for two full terms in office, as per the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This means they can potentially serve up to 10 years as president if re-elected for two full terms after completing the initial partial term.

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Q: If a vice president takes over office how many years can he take over for and still run two more terms in office?
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Who takes over the president if the president cannot complete his terms of office?

The Vice President

How many years can somebody be president in the US?

Normally, an individual can be president for two terms, which would be 8 years. But when a president takes office following the incapacitation of the previous president, and if the new president serves less than half of the previous president's term, then the new president can still have two terms of her/his own, bringing the longest possible current tenure to 10 years minus a day. No president has had a time in office that long under these conditions. FDR had a very long tenure in office because during his time there were no limits to the number of terms a president could serve. After his death the limits were changed by way of a Constitutional Amendment.

Does the amendment 22 limit the president to four terms in office?

It limits a president to TWO four-year terms in office.

Can someone be president for two terms be out of office and then be president again?


What is the longest the president can hold office?

Generally, it's two terms. However, the maximum is 10 years. If a vice president takes over as president with two years or less time remaining on the term, then that president may serve two additional full terms.

How much does the president get in office?

The longest a president can be in office is two terms, in whitch that is eight years.

Can serve up to two terms in office?

The President can only serve up to two terms in office.

What terms of office can a president only be elected to?

They can serve two terms.

How many terms can president serve?

Two terms of office in the USA

If a vice president serves for two terms can he still be president?

A person might serve for any number of terms as vice president and still be elected to two terms as president.

Who by law determine the removal of either the president of vice president during their term in office?

The constitution states the terms of office and how a president or Vice President can be removed from office.

How many terms in office are the vive-president and president limited?
