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No. Infidelity is morally wrong on all grounds. Shoulda just got a divorce.

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Q: If a woman has 3 affairs because her husband was emotionally abusive is it justified?
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What does it mean when an emotionally abusive man says he does not love you anymore?

An emotionally abusive man (or woman) is not capable of true, pure love. The person does this to you because he or she lacks self esteem, as hard as that may seem to understand. Saying he doesn't "love" you anymore is another way for him to emotionally and mentally abuse you.

Is saying things about my weight abuse?

Anything that hurts you and effects you in a negative way whether mentally, emotionally, or physically, can be considered abuse. So yes, if someone is talking bad about you because of your weight then it's emotionally abusive.

Does ADHD cause someone to be 'emotionally abusive'?

It can. People with ADD don't usually have the social skills that most have. They say things without thinking which is sometimes hurtful. When they are children they don't do this intentionally, however, because of peoples anger toward them for such comments and often being accused of deliberately hurting people some will just say the hell with it and not care anymore or begin deliberately doing it. People with ADD are more likely to be abused and so they themselves are more likely to become abusive. We learn to treat others from the way we have been treated. ADD does not automatically cause someone to be emotionally abusive and not all ADD people are abusive but people with the disorder are more likely then average to be abusive both emotionally and physically.

When a father makes his son cry just by picking on him is that abuse?

yes i think that it is abusive to the kid emotionally and mentally because it gets on the kids nerves and over time it will effect the kid.

How do you help someone who is in an emotionally abusive relationship?

Abusive relationships are some of the most difficult ones to resolve. THis type of relationship assumes that one partner is abusive and continues to be so because there is no response to the abuse. The difference here centers on "self-assurance." The abusive partner continues his or her behavior because there is no response. I can not suggest how the abused party should respond because in most instances they feel diminished. This situation can only be resolved through extended counseling, if at all.

Why should abusive relationships be separated?

because why would you want to be with someone who is abusive towards you

Why do abusers get mad that someone else can cause you to react emotionally and can control you and not them anymore?

Because they consider you their property...FOREVER. They will always be like this. I would love to see the madness end, but I have an abusive ex and its not happening yet.(11 years later)

Can euthanasia ever be justified because of cost?

Euthanasia can only be justified when it is assisted suicide. if the decision is made because of cost then it is execution.

Do you develop abusive patterns after being emotionally abused by your partner?

In the beginning of my relationship with a man, he was very kind and charming. Everything I ever wanted or dreamed about having in a man. The first time he stood me up, I was hurt and tried to tell him. He told me I was weak and he didn't owe me an explanation. From that point on, the more I voiced my needs, the more emotionally abusive he became. I noticed that I was retaliating with verbal abuse. He would call me a name, and I would call him something back. I think it was my way of defending myself. I'm not sure. I have guilt, because our fights were terrible destructive emotionally. I'm not sure if its common to start identifying and developing similar traits to an abuser.

What does it mean when someone is mean?

When someone is mean, they do not treat others nicely. This is not to be confused with thinking someone is mean just because they do not do what you want them to do, like parents not allowing their children to do whatever they want to. People who are mean may be abusive physically, meantally, emotionally, or sexually.

When you are upset he is cruel to you why?

Because he's abusive.

How can you help your brother-in-law get emancipated in Florida when father is physically abusive and mother is emotionally abusive?

Speaking to an attorney is obviously the most recommended. But if you are concerned with the safety of your brother then talk to the police. This I a serious issue. I've gone through the same problem with friends and I've actually had one of u friends come and stay with me while his priest consulted with him and eventually he was emancipated because of the attorney.