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Yes, depending on the genotypes of the parents. It the parents are both heterozygous for their blood type, then the child could have the recessive type-O allele. Each parent has two alleles in their blood types, one from their mother, one from their father like most simple genetics. If Parent A has the genotype AO and Parent B has the genotype BO then it is possible for them to have a child with the genotype OO which means O-type. These to parents have:




They would have a 25% chance of having a child with AB-type, 25% chance of having a child with B-type, 25% chance of having a child with A-type and a 25% chance of having a child with O-type.

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Q: If a woman has type A blood and her child has type O and the father has type B is he the father?
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Can a man with blood type o father a child with blood type b with a woman of blood type a?

Only if they did it for approximentaly three hours straight

If a woman whose blood type is O- gives birth to a child whose blood type is A- what blood type's would the father need to have?

The father's blood type would have to be A or AB, and most likely negative.

Can a man with blood type b and a woman with blood type ab have a child with blood type b?

No. The father must be of type A if the child is and the mother is not.

Can a child has blood type B if a mother has blood type B and father has blood type O?

Yes, the child's blood type can be B if the father has o.

Can a a blood group father produce an o type child?

An A blood group father can have an O type child. If he does, then he is heterozygous for type A.

If a woman is type A the baby is type A and the man is type B does this rule him out as the father?

No, it is possible for a child to inherit the identical blood type of one parent and nothing from the other parent. For example: Father A+, Mother O-, Child A+.

Could a father with a blood group ab have a child that is O blood group?

Absolutely. A child will either have its mother's blood type or its father's blood type. If the mother's blood type is NOT O, then someone else is the father.

If a woman with blood type A has a baby with blood type AB a man with blood type O be the father?

There is no possible way that this man is the father of this baby because he would have passed down a bloodtype gene to give this child at least part O blood.

Can a woman with blood type O-positive and a man with blood type O-positive have a blood type A-positive child?

Yes. My mother is O positive and my father is O negative and I am O negative

Can a man with blood type o and a woman with blood type A have a child with blood type B?


A woman with blood type O and a man with blood type AB have a child together?

The child will have either A or B blood type

If a father has blood type a and the mother is type o then whats the child?

The child's blood type is probably B.