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Immigration status is a completely separate issue from child custody rights.

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Q: If an illegal alien and a US citizen are to get a divorce and they have a baby born in the US would both have custody rights?
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If a father gave full custody of the children to the mother on their divorce papers what right does the father still have to see his children or share custody?

You have the visitation rights that were established in the divorce, and you have no custody rights.

What rights does a person with political asylum that marries a US citizen have when the wife wants a divorce and they have a child?

He has the right to divorce and to an equitable share of the marital estate, and has equal right to petition the court for custody of the child.

Can American dad get sole custody of infant son from illegal mom?

If he is not married to the mother, he has no assumed rights to the child even if she were a citizen, so the same challenges would remain in obtaining custody.

Can an illegal father get joint custody if never merried to mother who is a citizen?

Yes very likely since immigration status has no bearing on parental rights.

What kind of parental rights will my husband have for our children once the divorce is final?

The rights your ex-husband will have once you divorce will all depend on what the judge rules. He could have joint custody or split custody.

Does an illegal Mexican have rights to his child in the US even if the American girl and illegal Mexican aren't married what rights does he have to the child?

Yes he does, such as custody, visitation and support issues. As for immigration, having a citizen child is no basis to get legal residency (at least not until the child is 21)

What rights does a citizen from Norway married to a US female citizen have in a divorce in the state of Maryland and in a custody of the child and rights of both parents?

Custody issues are difficult enough for fathers. Throwing in a foreign citizenship only complicates this further. Certainly the court would not desire having the child removed from the jurisdiction of the US. This will need to be decided exclusively on the merit of the individual case. see links

Can a US permanent resident remove a US citizen child from the US after a divorce?

If they are the parent and they jabe custody, yes, that is one of their rights. If they have shared custody, an agreement must be made with all persons that have custody as well. If they are not the parent, then they have no right to take the child anywhere, unless that permission is explicitly granted to them by the parent or guardian.

If an illegal alien and a US citizen are not married and have a baby born in the US would both have custody rights?

Well its called common marriage he would have to pay child support, illegal immigrants have many rights since her child is a u.s. citizen the government will help her raise the baby. You just have to find more info about it get educated about the subject so you don't become a fool of anyone.

Do everyone have rights?

yes they do even if they are an illegal citizen the ystill have a small amount of rights

Can marrying an illegal citizen affect your rights as custodial parent?


Who has child custody rights before divorce is final in Maryland?

If no court order is in place stating otherwise, the biological mother has presumptive custody of her children.