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No, marrying a US citizen or a permanent resident does not grant the illegal immigrant legal status regardless of whether there is a child involved or not.

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Q: If an illegal immigrant marries a woman who has legal status and they have a child will the father then have legal status?
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Related questions

What rights does an illegal immigrant gain when he marries a us citizen?

No rights gained, save for the ability to legalize your residency status if the immigrant entered the country LEGALLY.

Can an illegal immigrant marry an American citizen in the state of Colorado?

Yes, a person can marry an illegal immigrant, but that doesnt mean that it will lead to the immigrant getting legal status.

Can a 17 year old marry an illegal immigrant?

If the 17 year old has parental permission. Note that will not change the status of the illegal immigrant, who can still be deported.

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The immigrant's status might come into play. Legal? Undocumented (illegal)?

How can an illegal immigrant marry another illegal immigrant in the United States?

One illegal immigrant is able to marry another in the United States. However, it does not change the immigration status and actually could lead to deportation because of the paperwork filed with the state.

How can you marry an illegal immigrant from Brazil in the US?

Yes you CAN marry, but that will NOT give him LEGAL status.

Can you marry a illegal immigrant that is in the us illegally?

Yes, but ability to marry has nothing to do with immigration status.

When an irishman marries a US citizen?

No, marrying a U.S. citizen does not automatically grant an immigrant permanent resident or citizenship status.

What is your filing status if married to an illegal immigrant?

your best bet would be to ask the department of immigration and naturalization

Can a illegal immigrant gain legal status by marrying a felon?

An illegal immigrant would not gain legal status by marrying a felon because of a felon is not recognized as a citizen of his or her country and it is the same with the illegal immigrant he or she is not recognized as a legal immigrant. If such a union exist then there would be severe penaltiies for both couple,a deportation and even more years in prison An illegal immigrant would not gain legal status by marrying a felon because of a felon is not recognized as a citizen of his or her country and it is the same with the illegal immigrant he or she is not recognized as a legal immigrant. If such a union exist then there would be severe penaltiies for both couple,a deportation and even more years in prison

How long do you have to stay married to a illegal immigrant?

The age at which someone can marry an illegal alien is based on the law of the state. Anyone can legally marry if they of legal age. Most states put the age at about 18.

Can a illegal alien get help with her pregnancy in a way that it wont affect her status to become a us citizen?

Yes, but why ask? Is your wife a pregnant illegal alien immigrant?