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Q: If at the end of gram staining both the gram positive and gram negative bacteria appear red what is the most likely explanation?
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Is herpes simplex gram positive or gram negative?

It is a pleomorphic Gram negative bacilli.

Why gram staining is classified as differential staining?

Differential staining is the procedure that are used to distinguish organism based on their staining properties. Use of gram stain divide bacteria into two classes - gram positive which retain crystal violet stain purple colour, gram negative which lose their crystal violet and give pink colour. By this method we can differentiate two different types of bacteria having different cell wall composition that is the reason gram staining used widely as differential staining

Describe the microscopic appearance of encapsulated streptococcus if stained with safranin?

Safranin (red) is used in gram staining and endospore staining as the secondary stain. Nigrosin is used in negative staining, staining only the background and not the bacteria. Therefore, the bacteria within the capsule would stain red from the safranin. (Like in endospore staining and negative gram staining, safranin would stain the bacteria red.) Nigrosin would stain the background of the organism just as it would in negative staining. Bacteria (within capsul): stained safranin red Capsule (outer layer of bacteria): clear Background of organism: stained dark with Nigrosin

What is Gram staining method used for?

the purpose is to determine diffrent kinds of bacteria based on their results. if it'sgram positive the color will be pink and if it is gram negative the color will be red.

What color is gram-negative stain?

Red or pink. Gram Positive = Purple or Violet, Gram Negative = Red or Pink. I just think of the mnemonic Positive-Purple both starting with P.

Related questions

What value is the gram stain?

Gram staining is highly valuable. It allows us to identify two widely different bacteria. Gram staining can tell you if the bacteria is pathogenic or if a penicillin pill can cure it. It tells us gram-positive bacteria, or gram-negative. Positive being easily combated bacteria and some even helpful, and gram-negative being primarily pathogenic.

What is the value of gram staining?

Gram staining is highly valuable. It allows us to identify two widely different bacteria. Gram staining can tell you if the bacteria is pathogenic or if a penicillin pill can cure it. It tells us gram-positive bacteria, or gram-negative. Positive being easily combated bacteria and some even helpful, and gram-negative being primarily pathogenic.

Is herpes simplex gram positive or gram negative?

It is a pleomorphic Gram negative bacilli.

Why gram staining is classified as differential staining?

Differential staining is the procedure that are used to distinguish organism based on their staining properties. Use of gram stain divide bacteria into two classes - gram positive which retain crystal violet stain purple colour, gram negative which lose their crystal violet and give pink colour. By this method we can differentiate two different types of bacteria having different cell wall composition that is the reason gram staining used widely as differential staining

What is gram positive strain?

Gram-positive bacterium are those that are stained dark blue or violet by Gram Staining. This is in contrast to Gram-Negative Bacterium, which cannot retain the crystal violet stain, instead taking up the counter-stain and appearing red or pink. Gram-positive organisms are able to retain the crystal violet stain because of the high amount of peptidoglycan in the cell wall. Gram-positive cell walls typically lack the outer membrane found in Gram-negative bacteria.

What types of organisms are subjected to Negative Staining Technique?

Bacteria .

Advantages of positive and negative staining for morphological study of bacteria?

Positive staining allows the bacteria to be directly stained and visualized under a microscope, which helps in studying their size, shape, and arrangement. It also provides valuable information about the cell wall structure and composition. Negative staining, on the other hand, allows the visualization of bacteria that are otherwise difficult to stain due to their thin or delicate cell walls. It provides better contrast and allows for the observation of fine morphological details of the bacteria.

Is HIV gram positive or gram negative?

HIV is a virus and, therefore, is neither Gram positive nor Gram negative. The Gram stain is used to identify bacteria as either Gram negative or positive, depending upon the type of cell wall the bacteria has. The Gram stain cannot be used on viruses.

What is the difference between positive gram and negative gram?

The major difference between gram positive and the gram negative bacteria is the structure of their cell wall. The gram positive bacteria have two layers a plasma membrane and outer to it a peptidoglycan layer. But the gram negative bacteria have another layer other than the cell wall. While the gram negative bacteria has three layers. It has a plasma membrane that is called as the inner membrane, then a peptidoglycan layer and finally an outer membrane of phospholipids and lipopolysaccharides. There is space between the inner membrane and the peptidoglycan layer called as the periplasmic space. Peptidoclycan layer in the gram positive bacteria are much more thicker than that of the gram negative bacteria. The molecule teichoic acid is present in gram positive bacteria and the porin proteins are characteristically present in the gram negative bacteria. Gram positive bacteria usually produce exotoxins and the gram negative bacteria usually produces endotoxins. Gram positive bacteria gives Violet colour to the gram staining and the gram negative bacteria gives pink colour to the gram staining. In gram staining the bacteria is fixed on slides and then they are treated with Crystal Violet. After that they are treated with iodine and then they are decolourised. If the bacteria is gram negative then it shows Violet colour and if it is gram negative then it shows pink colour. Initially both strains show Violet colour after Crystal Violet treatment but on the treatment with iodine and decolourisation the gram negative bacteria loose colour and become pink. This is because in the gram positive bacteria the Violet crystals bind firmly to the peptidoglycan layer and the colour is not removed in later stages. In gram positive bacteria the colour does not penetrate much because of outer membrane and is lost much during decolourisation.

Describe the microscopic appearance of encapsulated streptococcus if stained with safranin?

Safranin (red) is used in gram staining and endospore staining as the secondary stain. Nigrosin is used in negative staining, staining only the background and not the bacteria. Therefore, the bacteria within the capsule would stain red from the safranin. (Like in endospore staining and negative gram staining, safranin would stain the bacteria red.) Nigrosin would stain the background of the organism just as it would in negative staining. Bacteria (within capsul): stained safranin red Capsule (outer layer of bacteria): clear Background of organism: stained dark with Nigrosin

What type of gram is H1N1 bacteria gram-positive or gram-negative? is a virus, and gram-staining, a microbiology tool, is not used to help identify or classify a virus

What is Gram staining method used for?

the purpose is to determine diffrent kinds of bacteria based on their results. if it'sgram positive the color will be pink and if it is gram negative the color will be red.