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Babies don't breathe the water in the womb. Their mothers breathe for them, and supply them with oxygen through the umbilical cord. Babies don't start breathing until they are born.

Humans, well no mammal can breathe water, because our lungs can't get any oxygen from it.

Although they do the same job, gills work in a slightly different manner, which allows fish to get oxygen from the water the way we get it from the air.

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Q: If babies can breathe in water in your belly then why cant we breathe under water?
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No, they cannot but they can swim. Also, no, they cannot fly. Make sure to fill up their bath water right up to their belly and no further so they can lightly feel the bottom of the sink (for babies) or bath tub (for adults).

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Otters can't breathe under water. They're mammals, they breathe air, with lungs. When they dive, they hold their breath.

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it is no way they can breathe under water so shut up

Why can babies breathe in water when there in the moms tummy but when they are born you cant breathe in water?

In the womb, babies receive oxygen through the placenta and do not use their lungs to breathe. The amniotic fluid surrounding them helps protect and provide buoyancy. However, once born, babies must immediately start using their lungs to take in air and cannot breathe in water as it would enter their airways and cause drowning.

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What can Breath under water and out of water?

Mudskippers, crabs, and amphibians can breathe under and out of water.