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You can add more yeast to a stuck fermentation, but there are a few things you should consider first:

Wait for one day before determining whether your ferment is stalled or not. Some brews are very slow and releases tiny, difficult to spot bubbles whilst others will ferment like crazy. A sure fire way to check if a ferment has stalled is to siphon some of the liquid into a plastic bottle and screw the lid on tight. Leave it for about an hour (in the sink or bath tub) and if the bottle expands, your yeast is active.

If you are certain your yeast is stalled. Try to identify why this has happened before adding any more, if conditions aren't right you'll only be sending more yeast to their death which can ruin the flavor in the long run.

Different yeasts have different temperature thresholds, too hot or too cold could kill the yeast or put it to sleep. Check the conditions your yeast works best in and, if appropriate, try to relocate your carboy/brew bin to a warmer or cooler location before adding more.

Certain brewing additives can also kill your yeast, such as sodium metabisulphate (present in Campden Tablets, stabilisers and some sterilizing agents) - if you have used any additives, make sure twenty four hours have passed before doing anything else.

Once you have gone through the above and are certain you have done your due diligence in trouble shooting - you can add more yeast. The best way to do this is through the 'starter bottle' method. Siphon some of the liquid into a small glass or bottle, add your yeast (following any instructions required to activate it) and wait. Once the contents of the glass or bottle have started to foam, you know that yeast is active. Go ahead and tip it back into your carboy or brew bin.

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Q: If batch of home brewed beer isn't fermenting can you just add more yeast?
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The main differences between ale and lager production are in temperature and type of yeast used. Lager is fermented at a lower temperature than ale and uses a bottom fermenting yeast whereas ale uses a top fermenting yeast.

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What is lager and clarification in brewing beer?

A lager is fermented at relatively cooler temperatures using bottom-fermenting yeast. Compare to an ale, which uses top-fermenting yeast at warmer temperatures. Clarification is the precipitation of the yeast from the finished brew.

What is brewers yeast?

Brewer's yeast is an ingredient that is used to ferment sugars to alcohol in the brewing of beer.

What is beer - fungi or bacteria?

Yeast is considered to be one of the most useful member of the fungus family. It is used to make bread and related products (food industry) and also used in making alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages are made using yeast through a process called fermentation.

What is a gill of yeast as used in recipes from the Colonial Era?

A gill is a half cup. A gill of yeast would have been a half cup of brewed yeast or beer. Colonial era housewives, often called ale wives, would brew the beer or ale for consumption by the whole family. Yeast was necessarily grown in this manner for use in bread making as well as ale or beer making, often in a cool room adjoining the kitchen, so that a gill of yeast would have been a half cup of this brew kept fermenting for this purpose. Today's equivalent would be about a tablespoon of active dry yeast.

Where is lager from?

Lager is a type of beer that has been fermented using yeast that prefers a cooler temperature than ale yeast. It is made of the same ingredients as beer, namely barley, water, hops, and yeast. The only difference between Lager and Ale is the type of yeast used and the temperatures that it is fermented at. Lagers are a "bottom fermenting" beer that prefers cooler temperatures. Ales are "top fermenting" beers that prefer warmer temperatures.

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Since it's yeast, it would produce beer but not nearly at the quality a specific beer brewing yeast would. Beer brewing should use specific strains of yeast to properly activate fermentation that turns the sugars of the beer into alcohol. Different types of beer require different types of yeast in the recipe to turn out properly. Baker's yeast is specifically intended for baking, while Brewers yeast is what you would want to use for brewing beer. If you use bakers yeast for beer brewing, your recipe will not turn out properly and your batch of beer will be probably not taste very good.

What is beer brewed in?

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