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Q: If Batman had a Lantern Ring, which color would he be?
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Who is better batman or green lantern?

I'm not sure how you define better. But personally I'll go with Batman. He's more controlled, causes less trouble (if we're talking Hal Jordan green lantern he becomes Parallax and kills a lot of people), and wins more fights. Batman has and can beat The Green Lantern, was even tapped for a Green Lantern ring once as well as a yellow ring for the Sinestro corps, and is honestly just a much more interesting and developed character. Also Batman is a self made hero and that is something anyone could admire.

Can green lantern be defeated?

Green Lantern has a weakness to the color yellow and his power ring is entirely dependent on his willpower. If an opponent were to take away his willpower or use the color yellow then yes, Green Lantern could be defeated.

What happen when batman was given a green latern ring?

When Batman was given a Green Lantern ring in the comic series "Injustice: Gods Among Us," he was able to wield the ring's power to create constructs of his own design fueled by his willpower. This provided him with additional abilities and strength beyond his standard capabilities as a superhero.

Who would win Captain America or black panther?

green lantern becouse batman cant touch him well he has the ring

Would it be smart for Hal Jordan to give his Green Ring to Batman?

One believes In-House ( In-Galaxy) rules of the Green lantern Corps -set at an arbitray level of 3600 Personnel, would prohibit this, like sharing police badges. as far as is known, Green lantern never loaned out his ring, which would also pose secret-identity problems. Identity theft hits superherodom. Not yet!

What color is Green Lantern's ring?

The main character Hal Jordan's skin color is Caucasian. His other green lantern companions from Earth, Guy Gardner and Kyle Raynor are also Caucasian. The green lanterns from Earth that are not Caucasian are John Stewart and the more recent Simon Baz who are both African American.

Is the green lantern ring real?

The Green Lantern ring is a fictional item from the DC Comics universe. It does not exist in reality.

Where does green lantern get his strength?

his ring

What happens when a blue lantern wears a red lantern ring?

the red would fly off a blue lanterns hand because the blue extinquishes rage

Who would win in a fight between Captain America vs Green Lantern?

Green Lantern because he only needs a ring and he can create any object desired.

Will green lantern ring ever be real?


Who would win in a fight iron man or green lantern?

Thor would grab Green Lantern's arm and twist it super hard to get the ring off made of shattered glass. Thor would damage his kidneys and Green Lantern will be exterminated. Thor will look at him and smirk while he died. Thor will report it to his world and talk about it on TV.