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Q: If beta thalassemia minor is treated before getting pregnant by a parter with sickle cell trait will the child end up with sickle cell?
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Which testes other than the thalassemia are required before getting married?

Usually the groom is expected to have normal testes, but it is not always necessary.

Was the Virgin Mary married before getting pregnant?

No the bible says Mary got pregnant before she married Joseph.

Can you still get pregnant before a cycle?

You usually ONLY get pregnant before a cycle. If you are having a cycle, then you are not pregnant, so your body is getting rid of the material that it built up over the past month getting you ready for pregnancy.

Should you try getting pregnant before or after your period?

no but if you do your baby can die

Can you get treated for chlamydia at 37 weeks pregnant?

Absolutely. There are effective and safe treatments, and it would be best for a pregnant woman to get treated before delivery. Please talk with your prenatal health care provider about this matter as soon as possible.

If you gave birth 10 months ago can you get pregnant right away?

You can, but check with your doctor before getting pregnant

In Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility do you have to get pregnant?

Once you get married you have to wait about a season or longer before getting pregnant.

If a woman is pregnant and has chlamydia can she deliver vaginally?

A pregnant woman with chlamydia is treated before delivery. There's no change in method of delivery needed, as treatment is reliable and simple.

Is it bad to get pregnant after an appendicitis operation?

No. It is not bad to get pregnant after uncomplicated appendicitis operation. With complicated appendicitis, you need to consult your surgeon before getting pregnant.

Exercising while pregnant?

is still good for u , but not to exercise more than u used to do before getting pregnant

How can you get pregnant after miscarriage?

Same way you did before. About 1/4 women have a miscarriage and there are usually no problems getting pregnant afterwards.

Can a 9 year old girl be pregnant?

Maybe maybe not It's her choice they have to have periods and have sex before getting pregnant.