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Q: If bleach is poured on the ground will grass grow again?
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What will happen if water and bleach was poured on growing grass?

If it is a lot of bleach, it will kill the grass.

How do dead orgaisms recycle in their ecosystem?

when the organism dies it decomposes into the ground. the grass then grows form the ground which is eaten by an animal that will eventually die and once again decompose into the ground

What type of Pokemon is torterra?

Torterra is a Grass and Ground type pokemon.

Will grass grow after being set afire?

Yes, the roots that are below ground can regrow the blades above the ground, but it may take a few days. Should do, depending on the type of grass. It only burns to ground level and the roots remain intact, to shoot again in the next rain.

Does bleach work as well as weed and grass killer?

no,,you cant use will kill any grass whether you didnt plan on killing it, in the area...and it messes up soil nutrients

What is best against ground Pokemon?

Ice, Grass, Water

Where can you find spartina grass?

on the ground

Why can humans not eat grass?

Well humans don't eat grass because it just isn't on the food pyramid or anything plus cows and horses eat grass. Plus grass is in the ground and the ground is not clean.

What is the weakness of earth Pokemon?

if you meant ground: water, grass, and ice if you meant rock: water, grass, fighting, ground, and steel

How does water get into grass?

Through the roots of the grass through the ground/soil/dirt

How grass produces seeds?

by the seeds on the tip of the grass that is out of the ground all ready

What does soil provide for the grass on a soccer field?

It provides the grass with nutrients and let's the grass anchor itself to the ground.