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Q: If calcium lost two electrons it would have the same number of electrons as?
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How many numbers of electrons grained or lost for calcium?

2 electrons are lost from calcium, forming Ca2+ ion

Indicate the number of electrons lost or gained by calcium and give the charge of the ion it forms?

loses 2 electrons to form a calcium ion with 2+ charge

What is the number of electrons a calcium atom must gain or lose to have 8 valence electrons?

two electron should be lost

What ions came from an atom that lost two electrons?

It would be +2. Calcium would be an example

How many electrons are gain or lost to form ions for calcium?

two are lost

How many electrons must be gained or lost for calcium to attain a noble-gas electron configuration?

two electrons lost

What is the chemical symbol for calcium that has lost 2 electrons?


Why does a element have a plus 2 charge?

An element you have a +2 charge It is had lost electrons. It would have to lose the same number of electrons that its positive charge is. So it would have lost 2 electrons.

What is the overall charge of an atom with an atomic number of 20?

Well if you look at your periodic table you will notice that calcium is the element with the atomic number of 20. Since calcium is a group 2A metal, it seeks to lose 2 electrons which means that a stable ion of calcium would have a charge of 2+ since it has lost 2 electrons with negative charges. This situation will occur if you dissolve CaCl (calcium chloride) into water, where the compound would break up into its constituent ions, which would be Ca^2+ and Cl^2-

What is the atomic structure of Ca 2 plus?

40 Ca2+ Mass number is 40 Atomic number (proton number) is 20 therefore 18 electrons as calcium has lost 2 electrons to become a Ca2+ ions :D

In chemical notation Ca2 plus means what?

calcium ions that has lost electrons. It will give away electrons.

How many protons in positive two ion of calcium?

The same number as in an atom of Ca, the same as the atomic number of Ca. An ion will have a different number of electrons than protons, so it is not 20. Only neutral atoms have the same number of electrons as protons, which is the same as the atomic number. A calcium ion (Ca+2) has two less electrons than protons (having lost two to fulfill the octet rule), so it has 18 electrons.