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Isotopes carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable; the isotope carbon-14 is radioactive and unstable.

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Q: If carbon has an atomic number of 6 is it stable?
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Is this a stable element Carbon atomic number 6?

It really isn't elements that are stable or unstable, but isotopes. Carbon has both stable and unstable isotopes.

Which element has an atomic number of 6?

Carbon is a none metal element. atomic number of it is 6.

What is the atomic number for radio isotope?

There are radioactive isotopes of all elements, so it depends on what radioisotope you are talking about. For example, carbon has 6 protons, so its atomic number is 6 - whether it is the stable carbon-12, or the radioactive carbon-14.

What is atomic number for carbon?

Carbon has the atomic number of 6.

What atom has atomic number of 6?

carbon has atomic number 6. It has 6 protons.

Atomic mass and number for carbon?

atomic mass of carbon=12 atomic number of carbon=6

What is is the atomic number for carbon?

The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the element. Carbon has 6 protons and therefore has an atomic number of 6

What is the atomic number carbon hydrogen?

The atomic number for hydrogen is 1 and the atomic number for carbon is 6.

What element has a atomic number of 6 and 7 neutrons?

Carbon: C-13 isotope, stable, 1.1% of all natural occurring carbon (98.9% C-12) Atomic number: 6 (number of protons in nucleus) Atomic mass: 13.0033 a.m.e. Mass number: 13 (= 6 protons + 7 neutrons in nucleus) Nonmetal

Which element has atomic number 6?

There is no element with that atomic mass according to the periodic table, though the isotopes He-6, Be-6, and Li-6 are possible, but extremely rare.

What is carbon on the periodic table?

The symbol for carbon is C. Its atomic number is 6 and its atomic mass is 12.0107.

What is that atomic number of carbon?

Carbon is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 6.