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It will shrivel up and shrink as its water exits the cell to try an equalize the solute outside.

Yes, one example would be a submarine under extreme pressure, the metal surface is impermeable to the water, but eventually the water pressure becomes too high and crushes the submarine.

Both hypertonic and hypotonic solutions are dangerous to cells. A hypotonic solution can cause an osmotic pressure gradient causing water to rush into the cell through the semi-permeable membrane. This situation can cause a condition with red blood cells called hemolysis which is basically the cell bursting due to too much pressure caused by this water. Hypertonic solutions are more concentrated then hypo so to reach equilibrium the water is sucked out of the cell into the extracellular solution. This causes a condition with cells called crenation which basically means shriveled up. It cause cause an increased volume of extracellular fluid causing an assortment of conditions including edema. So when considering making an IV drug solution it is important to make it isotonic.

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4d ago

In a hypertonic solution, water will move out of the cells, causing them to shrink or shrivel up due to osmosis. Since the solute is impermeable to the membrane, the cells are unable to prevent the loss of water. This can lead to dehydration and potential cell damage or death.

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Q: If cells are placed in a hypertonic solution containing a solute to which the membrane is impermeable what could happen?
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A solution containing a higher concentration of dissolved substances than a cell is termed?

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That depends entirely on what solution it is in. Hypotonic and hypertonic are relative terms to compare to solutions usually serperated by a seme-permeable membrane.

What solution causes a cell membrane to lose water?

A hypertonic solution. That is, a solution with high solute concentration.

What happens when a hypotonic solution is separated from a hypertonic solution by an osmotic membrane?

They diffuse into one another until the point where they reach equilibrium. This point, however cannot be predicted from what you gave nor is it any more likely to be in favor of the hypertonic, the hypotonic, or your idea of isotonic.

What is the difference between the hypotonic and hypertonic?

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There are two types of solutions categorized by solute concentration. If the solution has a higher saline concentration than the erythrocytes (red blood cells) it is said to be hypertonic. If the opposite is true the solution is then hypotonic.

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Is soda hypertonic?

Soda is hypertonic, but it all depends what you are comparing it to. As long as the other solution you are using in the semi-permiable membrane has a lower number of solute particles than soda it is still Hypertonic.

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