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The effects of chlamydia on fertility may be permanent, or may be at least partially reversible with treatment. For instance, a small study of males with chlamydia showed decreased sperm damage and increased pregnancy rates after antibiotic treatment. (See related link).

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Q: If chlamydia affects fertility is it permanent?
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Is chlamydia life-threatening and can it affect future fertility?

Chlamydia is not life-threatening. It can affect future fertility.

Does chlamydia affect future fertility in females?

Among women with chlamydia, 10 to 15% will have pelvic inflammatory disease. In many cases, they many not notice any symptoms although chlamydia is affecting their fertility. Of those with PID, 20% may have scarring that affects fertility, and 9% may have future ectopic pregnancy. So for every 100 women with chlamydia, two or three will be infertile and one to one and a half may have a future tubal pregnancy. (see related link).

What can chlamydia stop you from doing?

Chlamydia can affect future fertility by causing scarring in the reproductive tract.

Do hummingbirds get chlamydia?

No they do not. Only humans get chlamydia trachomatis. There are other chlamydia species that affect animals. Chlamydia psittaci is the chlamydia species that most often affects birds.

How are Latinos affected by chlamydia?

Chlamydia affects Latinos she same as any other group; chlamydia can lead to sterility or PID.

If you had chlamydia for probably around a year but you took a fertility test and it said you were fertile then why haven't gotten pregnant after 8 months of trying?

If the fertility test you took was one that involved bloodwork or a urine sample, you did not really get evaluated for the typical causes of infertility after chlamydia. If you haven't gotten pregnant after having sex without birth control for a year, see your health care provider with your partner to start testing. Among women with chlamydia, 10 to 15% will have pelvic inflammatory disease. In many cases, they many not notice any symptoms although chlamydia is affecting their fertility. Of those with PID, 20% may have scarring that affects fertility, and 9% may have future ectopic pregnancy. So for every 100 women with chlamydia, two or three will be infertile and one to one and a half may have a future tubal pregnancy. (see related link).

Does chlamydia sit in the spine?

No, chlamydia affects the mucous membranes. Syphilis and herpes can affect the nerves and spine.

How likely is it to get pregnant while having chlamydia?

Your chances of getting pregnant won't increase after chlamydia treatment. You will reduce the risk of further damage to your fertility. If it is from chlamydia you are infertile, then unfortunately it progressed to the point of permanent damage.

Is there a specific population that chlamydia affects more than others?

Chlamydia most commonly affects females 16-25 years old, but it can affect any age.

Is chlamydia related to asthma?

Babies born with chlamydia that affects the lungs are more likely to have asthma later in life.

What marsupial suffers from chlamydia?

Koalas get chlaydia, although it's a different kind of chlamydia than the STD that affects humans.

How do you know if chlamydia affected your fertility?

A woman would not know if chlamydia affected her fertility without rather extensive testing. A male can get a semen analysis, which is relatively cheap and easy. A woman would see a women's health care provider, or a man would see a urologist, for evaluation. You normally don't start the evaluation until you'd like to start trying to conceive, as some of the testing might make it easier to conceive, and you wouldn't want to get it done ahead of time. In addition, you may be reinfected after testing, in which case the evaluation would have done you no good. Among women with chlamydia, 10 to 15% will have pelvic inflammatory disease. In many cases, they many not notice any symptoms although chlamydia is affecting their fertility. Of those with PID, 20% may have scarring that affects fertility, and 9% may have future ectopic pregnancy. So for every 100 women with chlamydia, two or three will be infertile and one to one and a half may have a future tubal pregnancy. (see related link).