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Q: If contriband is found in a students locker and the student was not asked if it was ok to search their locker can the contriband be used against them?
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What is the locker question?

Supose you are in a school with 1000 lockers. student #1 opens every locker student #2 opens every second locker student #3 opens every third locker supose all 100 students go. which lockers are open and which are closed?

Can a student go through another students locker is it legal?

A student cannot go through the locker of another student without getting permission. This is illegal and they can be charged with theft for taking items that do not belong to them.

How do you spell students with an apostrophe?

An apostrophe indicates possession or attribute (something about a noun).The singular is student's -- belonging to a student (e.g. the student's locker).The plural is students' -- belonging to more than one (e.g. the students' lockers).

Does a student have the right to search a students locker?

definetly not, it's an invasion of another persons privacy!

Is student's a plural possessive or a singular possessive?

The form student's is the singular possessiveform.example: One student's locker was broken into.The plural form of the noun student is students.The plural possessive form is students'.example: Two students' lockers were broken into.

Why should they search lockers?

Yes and No. yes because the student might have drugs, weapons,and alcohol. No because the student might be wild, but they may not have any reason to search the students locker. They should be allowed to search their locker with a reason but without a reason they shouldn´t be allowed to search their locker.

1000 students 1000 lockers 1st student opens all lockers the 2nd closes every 2nd locker the 3rd reverses every 3rd locker the 4th every 4th all the way to the 1000 student. how many lockers are open?

99 lockers

Can you get a key for a school locker if you are a student?

Students at most schools are not given a key to lockers because there is usually a master key that opens all the lockers.

Is it legal for a student to go through another studens locker?

It would be illegal for a student to go through the locker of another student without getting prior permission.

Why do schools search students lockers?

well i don't think ''teachers are nosey'' i think that it is there property and it is their right to search students locker if there is a good enough reason. I also think that it is very good that schools search lockers because students may have drugs, alcohol, and weapons....and i also think there needs to be another adult present to verify what they found/saw in the students locker. There should also be a reasonable explanation on why they are checking the students locker...Because teachers are really nosey. They don't have any business in their lockers. I bet they wouldn't like it if people went through their house. A locker's like a house to students but they don't understand that. But they also have to see if they stole anything.Answer-Actually it is not your locker. Which is why thy can inspect it as they see fit. A few of you continuously prove you can't be trusted to do what's right. Drugs, cigarettes, guns are a few of the things that turn up in an inspection.Lockers do not belong to the student. They belong to the school. While I understand this, i think that the individuals who can search student should be limited to headmasters, and principals, because if all teachers could search any students locker, it could end up being a situation of, "this teacher doesn't like this student," and can be embarrassing to the student. I also believe that before a search takes place they need to have some sort of reason to believe that they would find something. I think it is wrong to do random locker searches just because you have a "feeling." But if, for example, a teacher, student, concerned parent, or other adult reports that someone has been seen doing things they shouldn't be doing, then a locker search is allowable. When the locker search is performed, a second adult must be present to verify, as a witness, that anything found in the locker really was in the locker, and that the principal or headmaster didn't attempt to frame the child for a crime he didn't commit.

Allotted in a sentence?

The students were alloted two lockers per student, a gym locker and a hallway locker.

Do locker searches deter students from having weapons?

Yea, it does.