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Any part of a continent could be affected, although plate margins are affected more than other areas. Ground shifting effects diminish from the epicenter, much like sound waves diminish over distance.

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Q: If earthquakes are a result of shifting plates why is it that only some parts of the continent are affected?
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Related questions

What cause earthquakes tsunamis and landslides?

Shifting of Tectonic Plates.

Why do you have earthquakes in California?

because shifting of plates colliding together

Are volcanoes and earthquakes manmade?

No. They are caused by the shifting of tectonic plates.

What r the causes of earthquake?

Shifting of tectonic plates cause earthquakes.

Does earthquakes along line reflect the shifting of continental plates?


Do you think that earthquakes happened million of years ago?

Sure, of course. Millions of years ago, tectonic plates were shifting just as they are today, and shifting tectonic plates can and do cause earthquakes, therefor earthquakes did occur millions of years ago.

What triggers the earthquake?

Earth is made up of many tectonic plates. When these plates shift, earthquakes happen. The tectonic plates are always moving, but most of the earthquakes are tremors (depends on how close you are to the place the tectonic plates are shifting).

What planets are affected by earthquakes?

Any planets that have plates

Can thunder cause earthquakes?

No. Earthquakes are the result of shifting in Earth's crust, usually at the boundaries of tectonic plates. They have nothing to do with thunder.

Where and when do earthquakes occure?

Well earthquakes are unpredictable and cause because of shifting in plates places like California and Chili have lots of earthquakes because there on faltes.

What is normal thrust in earthquakes?

Normal thrust is the regular reaction to force when the tectonic plates are shifting. Normal thrust does not cause earthquakes.

Is earthquake is biological disaster?

Geological. Earthquakes are formed by shifting Tectonic plates. (Earth science)