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The universe is about 90 billion light years across. An eon is about 550 million years. Flying at the speed of light for 550 million years you would travel 550 million light years, less than 1% of the distance across the known universe. So, probably not. It would make no difference how long you travel at light speed. If you travel for a billion trillion eons, you would still not pass through the boundries of the universe. For one thing, you would have a serious problem timing your journey, since for you a trip of any length would seem instantaneous.

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Q: If flying at light speed for an Eon is it possible to go beyond the universe?
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How did they find the size of the universe?

At present, the size of our Universe is unknown. Because light can travel no more than about 300,000 kilometers per second, and because light has only been traveling to us since the time of recombination; there is a limit on how much of our Universe we can see. How much larger is our Universe, beyond what we can presently see, is a matter of speculation.

How is it possible to know that the element hydrogen exists throughout the universe?

We see the light of main sequence stars throughout the universe. Such stars fuse hydrogen.

What is the universe's primary source of light?

Most of the light in the universe comes from the stars. Stars create their own light using nuclear fusion.

What evidence is there that the universe was different in the past?

We observe the universe with our various telescopes. Since light travels at a finite speed, it takes time for any light to travel from an object (say, a galaxy), to your telescope. Therefore, for any distant object, you are not seeing the object as it appears now, but as it appeared when the light left it.For very distant objects this can be billions of years, and further back in time you look, the more different the universe appears. Beyond about 13 billion years, there are no galaxies, for example.

Are nao seconds faster than the speed of light?

No. It's not possible to go faster than the speed of light. The speed of light takes all the energy in the universe and if you somehow did manage to get going that fast you would cease to exist.

Related questions

Does man know the extent of universe?

the limits of universe are still not defined. until now whatever we know about the limits of universe is because of the light we see. if we keep on receive light from farther distance than that means universe's limits are even beyond. but if we don't receive light from farther distances than that means universe has limits. THIS IS NOT A PROFESSIONAL ANSWER.

What things are beyond the universe?

Nobody Knows. Even if we travel at the speed of light we still would die before we got to the end of the universe. Everybody says the universe is expanding, but what is it expanding into?

How many light years is the diameter of the known universe?

The OBSERVABLE Universe has a diameter of about 93 billion light-years. "Observable" means that the light of anything beyond that hasn't had time to reach us, since the time of the Big Bang.

Why do we need to study the stars?

Once we look beyond the solar system, most of what we can learn about the Universe is based on observing stars.Fortunately, stars are profoundly important for our Universe,Not only do they light up the sky, they make life possible and so forth to expand our knowledge to study more about astronomy

Why is the universe infnite?

The universe is NOT infinite. What is infinite is space and time. The universe is estimated to be between 13-15 billion light years across. And it's mass is certainly, and beyond doubt, finite. So this question is not valid.

How did they find the size of the universe?

At present, the size of our Universe is unknown. Because light can travel no more than about 300,000 kilometers per second, and because light has only been traveling to us since the time of recombination; there is a limit on how much of our Universe we can see. How much larger is our Universe, beyond what we can presently see, is a matter of speculation.

What is the fastest speed possible?

The Fastest speed possible in the Universe is the speed of light in a vacuum exceeding 299,792,458 meters per second.

How is it possible to know that the element hydrogen exists throughout the universe?

We see the light of main sequence stars throughout the universe. Such stars fuse hydrogen.

Where is the edge of space and the universe?

There probably is no such edge. There is certainly no known edge. The "observable universe" has an edge, which is the limit of how far we can see. That's related to the age of the universe and the speed of light. Astronomers think there's a lot more beyond that limit and that the universe could be infinite in size.

What invention made it possible to look billions of light years across the universe?

In terms of inventions, the telescope would have made it possible to do this.

Is light finite?

light is a form of energy and energy cannot be destroyed or created only changed so the amount of possible light is equal to the amount of energy in the universe

How do you travel through the universe?

You had better travel near the speed of light or you will not see much of the universe. Unfortunately travelling near the speed is not yet possible, so you are out of luck.