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Q: If humans can live in almost any natural environments on earth why can't we live on another planet such as Mars?
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How many types of envorinments?

The three main types of environments are physical, biotic and cultural or social. Physical environments are natural and a-biotic environments. Biotic environments are organic and biological environments. Social or cultural environments involve the life style of humans.

What are the major threat to species in Thailand?

Humans, pollution, civilization encroachment into natural environments, global warming. overpopulation, ans weather patterns.

Why is it that birds bats and certain insects and bugs were designed to fly and humans and other animals were not?

EVOLUTION. Animals and humans were not "designed"; they and we evolved in ways that were shaped by natural selection in the context of the environments in which they and we lived. Humans were designed... by GOD

How do humans and wildlife share environments?

Humans and wildlife share environments by living in the same areas. In some cases, they also fight for water and food resources.

Do humans adapt to environments?

yes we do adapt to our environment...:)

Why did modern humans have adapt?

they had to adjust to new environments.

How do humans affect the biosphere?

Humans affect the biosphere in numerous ways. One of the most common ways in which humans impact the biosphere is by their extraction of Natural Resources. Growth and expansion is another way in which humans affect the biosphere.

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There are many statements that best describe Renaissance art. Renaissance art was somewhat religious, but also showed humans in more natural environments.

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Who argued that humans are physical beings conditioned by their social cultural and natural environments?

French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu argued that human behavior and identity are shaped by their social, cultural, and natural environments through a concept known as habitus. Bourdieu believed that individuals learn and internalize social structures and norms that then influence how they perceive and interact with the world around them.