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there's a great possiblity there is.

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Q: If i see one mice does it mean there are more?
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What is 3 b m shtr mean?

"Three blind mice, see how they run", which is a line from a children's song.

What does it mean when you first see a herd of wild horses then see an owl about one hour later?

It means that you are a very observant person, that you do not live in a city, and that if you put out oats and hay for the horses and a colony of mice for the owl you will probably see more of them.

What are meese?

It is not a common noun. The spellings meeses or meeces is sometimes a humorous substitution for the plural "mice." Was it Tom of Tom and Jerry who "hated meeces to pieces"?The proper noun Meese is a surname, and a river in Shropshire, England.

What are good experiments to do on mice?

You need four mice two cages fish and cat food. You first separate the mice in to the two cages. You feed one mouse regular cat food. The other one you feed fish food. After maybe a decade, or how ever long it takes to see results. You see how it effected them. Is the cat food make the mouse fat and stupid? Or maybe they are more sexy compaired to the other mice? You will get to see.

What does 3- BM SHTR mean?

3 blind mice see how they run

What does 3BMSHTR mean?

3BMSHTR means Three Blind Mice, See How They Run.

Can mice see with their eyes?

What else would they see with?? Mice see with their eyes!

What is the answer to 3 b m s h t r?

3 blind mice, see how they run

Do mice eat bagels?

Why don't you experiment it? Try to see if a mouse will eat your bagel. It can't be that hard. One more q. Are you a retard?

Do mice use camoufalge?

Well, it depends on how you mean. The wild mice are brown so i think, sure it is camoufalge. Because they are night active, i mean, you could see a white mouse in the dark, but not a brown.

Why do mice go around with one eye closed?

because they only see out of one eye.

About how many mice should you keep?

They should live 2 or more. But male mice can't live together always. If you see your male mice fight or beep you should split them. Also i don't recommend to have more then 10 females together.