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Q: If it is 8pm pacific time what time is it in eastern time zone?
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What is 8pm eastern time in pacific time?

Midnight Eastern Time is 9 PM Pacific Time. Eastern Time is 3 hours ahead of Pacific Time. The U.S. has four main time zones. From west to east, they are: Pacific Time, Mountain Time, Central Time, and Eastern Time. Each is one hour later than the last. For example, if it's 3 PM Pacific Time, then it's 4 PM Mountain Time, 5 PM Central Time, and 6 PM Eastern Time.

What does 8 o'clock 7 central mean?

TV Programs are often advertised with Eastern time zone times and Central time is 1 hour behind Eastern time.

What time is it in California when it's 10pm in Iowa?

California is in the Pacific Time Zone, two hours behind Iowa's Central Time Zone. Thus, if it's 10pm in Iowa, it's 8pm in California.

What time and day would it be in Japan if you wake up at 6 am on a Friday in Michigan?

Michigan spans two time zones - Eastern and Central. If you are in the part of Michigan that is in the Eastern Time Zone, it will be 8pm on Friday in Japan. If you are in the Central Time Zone, it will be 9pm on Friday in Japan.

What time is primetime in the US?

There is primetime in the United States. On the Pacific Coast of the United States, it is from 7pm to 10pm. Using Eastern Time, it is 8pm to 11pm. From 7pm to 10pm is the primetime using Central Time. Using Mountain Time is from 8pm to 11pm.

What time is it in camp patriot Kuwait?

I live in California, pacific time zone, and it is 10 hours later at camp patriot in Kuwait. If it is 8pm here in California it is 6am there.

What does 8.7 mean?

It means "8 Eastern/7 Central. Within the Eastern and Central times zones, 8:00 and 7:00 actually occur at the same time. So a TV show that is on at 8pm on in the eastern time zone will be showing simultaneously at 7pm in the central time zone.

What does 8.7 central mean?

It means "8 Eastern/7 Central. Within the Eastern and Central times zones, 8:00 and 7:00 actually occur at the same time. So a TV show that is on at 8pm on in the eastern time zone will be showing simultaneously at 7pm in the central time zone.

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If its 8pm eastern time what time is it pacific time?

Pacific Time is 3 hours behind Eastern Time. Eastern Time is 3 hours ahead of Pacific Time. So 8 PM Eastern is 5 PM Pacific, and 8 AM Eastern is 5 AM Pacific. The mainland U.S. has four time zones (Alaska and Hawaii each have their own time zones, which makes a total of 6 different time zones for the U.S.). From west to east, the mainland U.S.'s time zones are: Pacific Time, Mountain Time, Central Time and Eastern Time. Each is one hour later than the last. For example, if it's 3 PM Pacific Time, then it's 4 PM Mountain Time, 5 PM Central Time and 6 PM Eastern Time.

What time is it in Alabama if its is 8pm in Texas?

Alabama and Texas are in the same time zone.