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The use of "so many" is odd. But the answer is: by leaving a few heterosexual women around. Like maybe 90-95%. That's likely enough to not worry about the future of human reproduction.

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Q: If lesbian comes so naturally to so many women how did nature plan for people to reproduce?
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Gay and Lesbian people cannot have children with each other. This is because you must have one male and female person to reproduce. There are other options that many gay or lesbian people take. They often will adopt needy children from adoption homes. They might also consider going to a doctor and finding a legal and consenting adult to either carry a child for them (if they are both male) that was fertilized by one of them, or (if they are both women) go to a sperm bank and get artificially inseminated. Sometimes, they choose not to have children at all. If you are asking if they can reproduce at all, of course they can. they are just like every other human.

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No, this does not relate at all to being lesbian. This can, however, enable women to "fake" being lesbian more easily (like in pornographic movies to appeal to male audiences) which may lead people to believe that there are more lesbians than there really are in the world. The truth of the matter, is that there are more gay males than lesbian woman.

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If you are a lesbian and you want to come out to people then you should probably make sure that they are ok with it first.

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Is lesbianism satanic in nature?

No, it occurs naturally in animals, and lesbians don't generally practice witchcraft or do more evil things than straight people.

What is the most common form of sex straight or lesbian or gay?

Most people are straight but then it is lesbian, then gay

Is Beth mowens a lesbian?

It depends if you have tea people magazine well you should stop because they lie she is just a woman an if she is lesbian it's none of your buisness say you were lesbian or gay would you like it of people were asking you about it? And no she is not.

Is it weird to be a lesbian?

No, it is not weird to be a lesbian. Sexual orientation is a natural part of who someone is, and being a lesbian is simply one of the many ways people can identify in terms of their sexual orientation. It is important to embrace and celebrate who you are.