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Some of your DNA will be the same! You are likely to have somewhere between 1/8th and 1/16th of the same DNA.

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Q: If my cousin and I have the same grandfather do we share the same DNA?
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If my cousin and i are from first brothers would we share the same DNA?

Cousins would share up to 50% of the DNA.

What percentage of DNA do you share with your third cousin?

You would share up to 12.5%. EDIT: NO, that would be a first cousin. A third cousin would share <1%.

What percentage of DNA do you share with your fourth cousin?

You would share up to 6.25%.

Can first cousins have same dna if child is tested with one cousin and test come back 99.90 is it possible that the other cousin can test higher then that or be more accurat than 99.90?

first cousins CANNOT have the same DNA. siblings share 50% of their DNA, and first cousins share 25%. I'm not sure which test you are refering to, as 99.9% DNA match would infer identical twins.

How much DNA would you share with a first cousin?

One fourth

How much DNA does one share of great-great grandfather?

from 3.125% to 50%

Do you share DNA with your dad's cousin twice removed?

You share some DNA with everyone to whom you are related. Since you have a common ancestor with your father's cousin twice removed, you are related and share DNA. More broadly, every human being has large amounts of DNA that are shared with every other human being. That is what makes us humans, as distinct from chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas or mice.

Do simease twins share the same DNA?

sure, if youd like to think that. but perhaps they share the DNA... why wouldn't you think they do?

How much DNA does someone share with their great-great-great-great grandfather?

Assuming no inbreeding, the current descendent would have only 1/64 (less than 1.5%) of his ancestors DNA.

Why do siblings look alike?

because siblings share much of the same DNA. if the parents are the same, then each child will have half it's DNA for either parent, so siblings will share an average of half their DNA, ending up with the similar characteristics that their DNA codes for. for siblings with only one parent in common, an average of a quarter of their DNA is the same.

Who shares your mitochondrial DNA?

Mitochondrial DNA comes from the mother, so the mother's maternal line and all her children share the same mitochondrial DNA.

Is Cody Simpson and Cody Simpson related?

Yes; they are the same person. Therefore they share the same DNA.